Illuminati TV Spot – Full Symbolism Package With O2, Checkerboards, Skulls, All Seeing Eyes…

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5 thoughts on “Illuminati TV Spot – Full Symbolism Package With O2, Checkerboards, Skulls, All Seeing Eyes…”

  1. I don’t care which way it is, its still in the commercial,they own the media, its under their umbrella, therefore it isn’t ok for me,however I did cath all of the symbols and btw isn’t the heart a symbol they use as well..

  2. Its the same like with the crucifix..turn it invert you got a satanistic symbole.On the same way you can do it with the illuminati pyramide and eye.
    A invert pyramide with a eye under it would be symbolic for the “good” illumianti.
    this must be so,cause of the duality of our reality.

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