Illusion of Reality (All is One) Part 2

Illusion of Reality TAGS: Glodal awakening Oneness 2012 Nibiru Dr. Deagle Philip Schneider ILLUMINATI Bloodlines Global elite Reptilians Jordan Maxwell NASA PROJECT BLUEBEAM Credo Mutwa NWO William (Bill) Cooper Naomi Klein Karl Jung Hopi William Henry John Lear Esoteric Agenda Dogon tribe Mars Peggy Kane David Icke Draconians Eckhart Tolle

11 thoughts on “Illusion of Reality (All is One) Part 2”

  1. You should watch the movie What the Bleep Do We Know?. If you knew about quantum physics you’d know that particles only assume a ‘state’ when consciouness interacts with it.

  2. If people are having trouble manifesting things like the movie, “The Secret” it is because they think of themselves as restricted to the vicinity of the body. There is nothing inherently wrong with that kind of thinking (It’s great for deodorant companies) but if they thought of themselves as everyone and included everyone in their desires in a more public way, their power would be increased over simply wishing for something alone in their basement. Together we have power. The consumer is king.

  3. i think it makes absolutely no sense.
    Like I have stated in the other video. You are stating equations of light, photons and a few facts of life, and you are relating it to something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. none of this proves we have “powers” and none of this proves life is an “illusion”. Our eyes were made to see reality. Our minds can be manipulated, true, which is very much what these videos are doing to us. This is no different than society stealing our imagination. None of this made sense

  4. i get the same way, everytime i hear some idiot thinking fish isn’t meat : /

  5. evertyhing I mean evertyhing is interconnected to a greater higher dimension beyond human comprehension even a flower in japan is somehow interconnected to me

  6. please urgent – Beware any water-worshipping religions. It is my belief that we are being led into the new age of aqaurius with, perhaps, prince william as the head of this new world religion. Love is all that is relevant, beware of divisions and illusion.
    for souces – mac igan with dr horowitz and the last interview with the late rik clay.
    they are planning a global meditation on the summer solstice/prince williams bday.

    please investigate


  7. Im here to back up spinalglacier again. your reality is real. Theres a lot of new age type of propaganda going around these days that can make people believe anything. There is an awakening happening, but its also being pushed the the “NWO.” You cant believe everything you hear because it will get you into trouble. If you couldnt find out this stuff on your own then it doesnt matter. PS they want to depopulate the Earth. If you are told to join a mass suicide to free your soul, dont do it.

  8. are eyes are not meant to see reality.we see illusions.for example imagine of all humans were born with sunglasses.wouldnt we think that reality was as dark as it seems in the glasses?they only way we would know that we were looking at an illusion is when we see the other side.If one person decided to take off the sunglass and see the brightness of the sun and the colors.then they would know that before it was an illusion.when that person tries to explain to us how it really is.we refuse

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