26 thoughts on “Important Message From Alex Jones”

  1. Why is thier no contact emails for google or youtube availible?


  2. Well T95BlackEagle your the crazy guy for not taking notice of whats going on around you. Alex Jones is just trying to make people aware of the corruption and sick behaviour our governments are up to. If you agree with the New World Order then your as sick as them since its about the destruction of life as we know it. These things are actually happening and have nothing to do with whether you think Alex jones is crazy or not. And if the NWO succeeds you might regret not looking and listening.

  3. Never give up your guns.. if you don’t have one go buy one without filling out fed papers. if they try to take you to a fema camp don’t go. If they start rounding up ppl to take them to camps shoot and kill as many of them as you can. If enough of us do that they will lose. There is more of us then them. Don’t be like the Jews under hitler. Fight!!

  4. skepticism is understandable. search and learn. you will find the truth. Alex and others are merely trying to deliver truth. though you may not like it accept it as fact. just review history and realize evil exists and always will. it is our duty to seek and destroy. look within yourselves and find your calling. day to day we can live in peace but reality tells us that peace is simply a blindmans ideal. war is common so bridging the gap of ignorance can only set us free

  5. thank god for the likes of alex jones . praise the lord jesus christ. to hell with the new world order

  6. I think a more rational approach works. Evoking emotions of fear and hate will not solve any existence of evil in the world.

  7. Look ppl i don’t give a “Rats Behind” about me,i’am almost 50 yrs of age and with my health declining as from what theQuacks(Doctors) tell me i may not not live much longer anyways.Don’t get get me wrong,i don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me,all i’am saying is that my neices and nephews are the ones along with all of the future generations to come is the ones i am worried about,if something is not done now,just think of what the futrue holds for them,not a very bright one from what i see.

  8. Alex Jones is right on hes speaking the truth something will happen during Obama term hes pushing hard he knows the time is short.

  9. Alex should be aware the music used here is by the Kronos Quartet. Quartet = four. As in FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALIPS. Coincidence? Unlikely. Kronos was also the name of the doomsday device in the film The Incredibles. Coincidence? Unlikely. Kronos also contains the letter S, which looks like a snake, i.e. the devil. Coincidence? Unlikely. (note: this is a message posted covertly by an NWO agent in order to discredit Alex Jones) (note: message in previous brackets is a trick)

  10. I know for sure God will make you stronger and good has always been stronger than bad or evil.

  11. How can these Sick Evil Pathological Misfits who have sold their souls to the devil get away with such crimes..murder..lies..deceptio n..destroying our world. MENTALLY WE MUST CONDEMN THEM AND DESTROY THEM..THANK YOU AND BLESS ALL GOOD PEOPLE

  12. lol@u blackeagle thats all i manage 2 write now laughing 2 hard at ur stupidness

  13. Alex Jones is an *********! ! Alex Jones is just a crazy guy work radio station! He is just one those people believe lockness monster, big foot, UFO, Alien, & other *****! IThere are a lot obama hater that work in radio station! They are just bunch of idiot! If I saw Alex Jones someday I going kill that Big Fat Liar SOB! Its time someone shut him up!

  14. Christianity, The ***** Upon The Beast, she who causes all nations to drink of her cup of fornication
    This is a counterfeit religion of the Beast
    Jesus is one of many names of the Beast
    Christianity is rooted in Babylon, if the root is in Babylon, so also the tree and fruit
    her pagan Babylon holidays, and worldly teachings, bare witness of the root
    This is NOT the True Church of the Savior
    Return to the Laws, Commandments, Statutes, Precepts and Judgments of the God of Abraham

  15. How do we stop the New world order? How do we change things?
    Could somebody give me answers please?

  16. Thanks for what you do Alex. Keep it up. Humanity needs you. Thanks again for waking me up.


  17. ok i see that alex jones is a very smart man but before you round up a malitia you may want to look at the facts guns are going to make the problem better only worse if you start killing people you are as bad as they are we have to play the game by there rules but we do it so we can win find out your states laws know your rights hats how you fight them with power knowledge is power learn your rights DONT USE GUNS ITS A LAST RESORT

  18. you may say i’m a dreamer. But i’m not the only one. I hope some day you will join us, and the world we live as one.

    (in case you had not realised, that is the chorus from the John Lennon song Imagine)

    We are talking far in the future here, we will all be long gone. The fact is that nations, and how they restrict movement across land, are illegitimate power structures, and humans should work to dismantle them. And think most people agree on that, like Noam Chomsky.

  19. Did he expose the truth when he was exposing y2k look up Alex Jones y2k on youtube!

  20. When will you people learn that guns are not going to solve anything, ever. I have run in to so many people that say “keep your guns, and use them to fight back!”, or something similar. How do you solve violence and hatred with more violence and hatred? You don’t. Did Mahatma Ghandi use a weapon? No, he did however inspire India to break free from England and become independent.

  21. Both Globalization and “divide and conquer” are wrong. Co-existence is the key.

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