Intel Officer Says Obama Could Be Headed To Jail VERY Soon – Here’s What He Just Uncovered

Intel Officer Says Obama Could Be Headed To Jail VERY Soon – Here’s What He Just Uncovered

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It might be finally happening. What we red-blooded Patriotic Americans on the right have been dreaming about since the Obamacare debacle. Obama might finally have to answer for all the crap he did to our once great nation.

Former President Barack Hussein Obama is indeed an evil Marxist who was bought off by Wall Street, we all know this very well. But he’s no mastermind nor genius, in fact, I pretty much doubt his IQ to be over 100. We all know he was chosen to run for president because he knows how to deliver a speech and like Vice President Joe Biden once said, he’s “clean,” whatever that was supposed to mean.

But this time his arrogance, inexperience and his narcissistic ways may finally have led to his long-awaited demise. And he soon might be facing his first indictment for all the crimes he committed against the United States Constitution and the people of the United States of America while he was the President of our great and powerful nation.

At least that’s what former intelligence officer Lt.-Col. Tony Shaffer intelligence officer said during an interview with USA Radio about the Charlatan that is Former President Obama late last week.
Now wouldn’t this be a welcomed sight? Barack Hussein Obama behind bars. Maybe it would mend the hearts of those 20 million of us who lost our health insurance coverage because of his “Premiums will go down $2500 on average” deception.

Shaffer went on to add that President Obama’s biggest mistake, and what might very well have led to his final undoing was when he gave the order to wiretap then Republican Candidate Donald J. Trump.