Internet Censorship (Alex Jones)

This is a serious call to action folks. We have now reached a huge crisis point in terms of our freedom of speech and our freedom to access information from non-corporate sources. We can either do nothing and just watch the Internet being dismantled before our very eyes, or we can take action now and salvage what’s left of the Internet as it stands today.

21 thoughts on “Internet Censorship (Alex Jones)”

  1. I wonder too, malthust. I usually support what Alex does (except the moneybomb idea and a few other things). I would say I am with him about 95% on the things he says. Today his censor technology (I guess) shut my comments out about Glenn Beck, comments that are in support of Alex and all Truthers. This is NOT GOOD.

  2. Nice try. Keep it up check out esteembpo + com for social media marketing. fjihpfj

  3. 8:21. Very good point that. just heard it. “Hit counts”. When you see a video with ***** all views , subconciously you switch of and discredit the content t, to an extent

  4. You just don’t know how wacko you sound. I’m Canadian and I can tell you that doesn’t happen in Canada. Without even looking I’ll bet Ted Pike is a wacko too.

  5. Nice try. Keep it up check out esteembpo + com for social media marketing. zxc

  6. Nice work. keep it up. mean time come for social media marketing for esteembpo**com #LINK#

  7. So why does Alex himself heavily censor comments on infowars?

    Check for yourself, even respectful dissent is not allowed. It’s complete authoritarianism in practice.

    The more I get to know Alex’s views, the more convinced I am that he is projecting a lot of his own demons onto his worldview.

  8. everyone check out the cyber security bill rockefeller wants to pass..its on my channel favorites!! rockefeller wants to either control the internet or take it down completely!! we cannot let this bill be passed!!!

  9. Nice try. Keep it up check out esteembpo + com for social media marketing. #ZIP#

  10. is the vid where the thing about the bombings is used in a 1984 vid that was a great vid but i cant find it

  11. Nice try. Keep it up check out esteembpo + com for social media marketing. wrdsdf

  12. Nice try. Keep it up check out esteembpo + com for social media marketing. ERTRY

  13. obama announced this morning that despite the bills not being passed (s773 and s778) they are going to be going forward with it as an executive order. nows the time to get the word out

  14. No printers sold,No routers,no adapters,No Youtube,No aNYTHING But many out of work that would have to go on benefits Maybe? Ive had this happen to me a few times didnt know why Thanks for bringing this to our Attention.

  15. Nice work. keep it up. mean time come for social media marketing for esteembpo**com HFFD

  16. ***** bush, ***** obama their all the same people doing the same job, killing millions and earning millions.
    ITS TIME TO STAND UP, WAKE UP and tell them to ***** off and that we wont be their slaves.

    copy and paste this everywhere to make the governments ***** themselves

  17. Nice work. keep it up. mean time come for social media marketing for esteembpo**com

  18. Alex Jones is a schill. This dude spews so much bs and fear he’ll get your head spinning.

    Research William Cooper, the man that predicted 911, not his clown.

    Look up Jones’ Y2K broadcast too, if you want an extra dose of bs and fear.

    Listen to it, seriously. Fact check some of the stuff he says. So many lies

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