14 thoughts on “It Seemed So Plausible”

  1. You don’t need to believe in anything to go to heaven, not even God, because he believes in you. You can ***** the same sex, jack off ten times a day, listen to Slayer, get a ******** peircing in your *****, curse God out. But if you’re helping out a troubled kid, helping an old lady, living a happy life helping other people, you’re going to heaven. Selfishness and retribution get you into hell, not because you believe in ******** dinosaurs. I know Hicks is in heaven cuz he made thousands laugh.

  2. Yes, there are giant human skeletons. Look it up, crazy *****. But god? lol fear tactics from r-tards that don’t think logically

    bill hicks rocks.

  3. So you believe in a prankster god? One who would put all this stuff here to trick the smartest people on the earth (scientists) into believing in things like evolution and an old earth?

  4. You shouldn’t need the Bible to teach you good morals, good morals should come on your own. No one should need a book to teach them what’s right and wrong, because your knowledge of right and wrong wouldn’t be worth anything, since it didn’t come from you. It came from a book.

  5. Listen, I don’t want to argue, I want to help you. You’re probably a young teenager, still growing and figuring out who you really are. You need to ask yourself a question, and think hard.
    Are those YOUR beliefs, or the beliefs of your parents?

  6. whats the point of life if god believes in you, therefore he’ll know youll be selfish cause he created you and he would know your going to hell because he is all knowing, so the only way for us not to go to hell is to change ourselves which means for us to against gods will? im confused

  7. I havent written this to give you some happy clappy picture of Christianity. Nor have I come to spout hell, fire and damnation. I dont want to patronise anyone by saying that following God makes all your problems go away. It doesnt. But it does make all the tough moments in life a lot easier to come through.Here are some of my favourite verses; I hope that you will take a moment to look them up – you may be surprised.
    Ecclesiastes 2, Isaiah 40V31,
    I Peter Ch5 v 7

  8. What the ***** is all of this ‘go to heaven, go to hell.’ bullshit you’re talking about guys?? Bill Hicks’ whole point is that we are not here to be JUDGED. Its just a ride. There is nobody at the end of the road who is going to tell you, ‘You lived like an ********, you’re gonna burn forever.’ ‘God’ is not a single entity. I believe ‘God’ is something present in all matter. It is a fundamental particle, which causes matter to interact, to attract or repel. Its what causes life to prevail.

  9. He’s only special to a general audience, they’re usually prematurely balding,hate god, like twinkie porn, and believe the world is ending in 2012

  10. “I don’t want to prove science totally wrong, because it isn’t” – Hilarious. “God created us and everything on the earth” – How scientific. As for the rest of your arguments, it doesn’t prove that there is a god. All it proves is there is a city. You can’t take one item of historical accuracy and then equate that as proof that a god exists. You can’t take one accuracy and then use it as proof of a god whilst ignoring the hundreds of innacuracies.

  11. Alright, where the hell did they find Giant skeletons? I really would like some hard evidence. It’s kind of funny how you can ask a religious person for things like evidence to back up their claims. What do they do? They say it’s god’s will. You know who else says it’s God’s will? Hadji bin Blowinup, that’s who. Except he says inshallah and Allah Ackbar. I’m sorry Abby, but you have been brainwashed, and I am sorry for you. I hope someday you will be able to think for yourself.

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