It’s Fun to Watch The Liberals’ and Never Trumpers’ Coup Dreams Die
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Face it: Hillary Clinton will never be Playmate of the Year. We know this because apparently only a former Playmate of the Year can finally be the one to take down Donald Trump and The Smartest Woman Ever™ was demonstrably unable to make that happen. This latest deus ex mockable solution to the problem of America electing a guy the elite disapproves of, convincing America to somehow turn on its President because a decade ago he engaged in in real life what hordes of creepy shut-ins engaged in in their own minds, is simply hilarious.
Trump hooked up with a Playboy Playmate! That’s the last straw!
Yeah, he’s done for now, according to noted Democrat political strategist Chet the Unicorn.
Whatever. The only danger Hottiegate poses to The Donald is carpal tunnel syndrome from thousands of high fives.
So, whatever the lucky Playboy Playmate’s name is joins Stormy Daniels, Pocahontas, not being nice enough to John McCain, telling the truth about illegal aliens, saying “schlonged,” having Russian dressing on his salad, and a thousand other forgotten “WE HAVE YOU NOW!” news cycle topics, on the endless list of WORST THINGS EVER! that were supposed to finally purge the scourge that is Donald Trump.
You liberals and your Fredocon lackeys need to get this through your heads. You are not purging this guy. He’s purging you. Just look at James Comey, who has gone from Tower of Integrity to Looming Doofus. The winding trail from the bottom of that famous escalator to right here and now is littered with the twitching bodies of those who thought they could take on The Donald and win.
And it’s a delight to watch you hacks go nuts about it.
Warning: When Trump denuclearizes North Korea and gets a peace treaty signed, everybody put on ponchos because the haters’ heads are going to explode. In the words of the late, great Marine R. Lee Ermey, it’s going to look like a “modern art masterpiece.”
Contrast that with the situation faced by Andrew McCabe, who now lives under a bus where his former pal Shady James Comey threw him. He’s going to get prosecuted and there’s no pardon for him at the end of that rainbow. See, the thing is he knows he’s hanging out there alone. He knows that no one will help him. And he knows he’s actually guilty of something. All that makes for a very chatty Andy.
He’s an ex-cop and a pretty one at that, so prison’s not going to be much fun. If anyone will spill the beans – and McCabe knows where all the beans are planted – then the smart money is on him. Just think of the agony on the MSNBC panels when McCabe starts talking about the conspiracy to exonerate Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and the plot to frame the President. He’s got nothing to lose, and flipping on his Deep State crew is now his only way out.
Pity the poor liberals and their cruise-shilling Never Trump minions. It’s going to be hilarious when their scheme to bring down the President brings them down instead.