James Woods Puts Kamala Harris ON BLAST For Putting Illegals Before HOMELESS American Citizens

James Woods Puts Kamala Harris ON BLAST For Putting Illegals Before HOMELESS American Citizens

SOURCE : https://goo.gl/G8pvix
California Senator Kamala Harris was shredded into oblivion by actor and conservative powerhouse James Woods when she whined about illegal immigrants not getting “critical health care.”

Woods, who is a staunch supporter of President Trump’s America First agenda, fired back at the senator by explaining that what is truly SHAMEFUL is the barrage of Americans and vets who are not receiving”critical health care.”

America’s homeless as well as “overwhelming numbers” of American veterans go without proper health care everyday, but apparently for Harris and her Democratic cohorts, those who came to the U.S. illegally should be the ones getting the priority on health care.
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Others on Twitter agreed with Woods, and many pointed out that Harris – like most Democrats – continues to forget one word when referring to illegal immigrants.

Kamala is lying. Illegal aliens are invited to use taxpayer funded medical services for free while Americans have to pay or have insurance.

— Joyce (@JoyWebDeveloper) April 9, 2018
She forgot the word “illegal” immigrant. There is a difference Kamala.

— Nate D (@HuevosDeChivo) April 9, 2018

You have to wonder who is paying her & how much to completely turn her back on Americans.

— DeeDee👠 (@dkrwilliams) April 9, 2018

what’s wrong is you wanting to hand out freebies to everyone, including illegals. Teach a man to fish verses give a man a fish. That’s the difference between conservatives and liberals

— 🇺🇸#1 Deplorable🇺🇸 (@draintheswamp57) April 7, 2018

Why do we as taxpayers have to fund illegal immigrants healthcare? They are not citizens. My healthcare is an albatross around my neck with an obscene monthly premium and a $12,500 deductible while they get it free?
Where is this fair?

— J J. (@JJYS0913) April 9, 2018

@KamalaHarris you keep forgetting that important little word “illegal”! Just because you don’t say it doesn’t make it different! Oh and all that FREE healthcare they are receiving, raises the cost for the rest of us.

But keep pandering to your voting block.

— Proud American (@K9Zeus16) April 9, 2018

So basically are you saying that you are O.K. with illegal aliens using our medical system and US tax payers get stuck with the bill?? We pay for our insurance and have high deductible. It’s not fair. I know you are aware that when an illegal goes to a hospital they do not pay.

— Chile y Pepper 🌶🇺🇸🌶 (@chileYpepper) April 7, 2018

What is wrong is that you worry about illegal immigrants, but don’t blink at the homeless in California. If illegal immigrants want healthcare, they should have stayed in their own country.

— Robin Miller (@Kahne5Fan) April 9, 2018
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