Japan’s Prime Minister Dropped Bombshell About Trump’s Influence On North Korea

Japan’s Prime Minister Dropped Bombshell About Trump’s Influence On North Korea

Source: https://goo.gl/i791Pk
Talks loom between the dictator of North Korea and President Donald Trump. However, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a strong statement about Trump’s impact on the situation, and not everyone is happy about what he had to say.

North Korea has been an enemy of the United States since the 1950’s. The Korean War ended with a truce, not a treaty. That means for the last 65 years, North Korea has been at war with South Korea and her allies. Of course, that includes the United States. In recent years, the leaders of communist North Korea have threatened America. Kim Jong Un has routinely promised to wipe us off the map.

Not much happened to address this issue under other presidents. Obama practically ignored the country. Meanwhile, Kim aggressively developed nukes and missiles that could strike long-range targets. South Korea, Japan, and even the U.S. West Coast could have been targeted, but our leaders did nothing.

Then, Donald Trump became President. Kim Jong Un made the mistake of shooting his mouth off at him. It didn’t take long for President Trump to put Kim in his sights. During his first year in office, Trump fired back at North Korea via Twitter. He promised to retaliate if North Korea should attack. President Trump followed that up with an impressive display of might when he visited Asia.

And what do ya know? North Korea wants peace! Kim Jong Un met with South Korea and China. There are talks of a real treaty being signed, ending the war that’s been going on since 1950. Soon, President Trump will meet Kim Jong Un face to face.
It’s all a coincidence, right? Maybe the pundits on CNN say that, but Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan thinks differently. In no uncertain terms, he praised Donald Trump, attributing everything that’s happened to his leadership.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe praised President Donald Trump for his success in getting North Korea to agree to preliminary talks with the United States.

“The background of this change is Donald’s unwavering conviction, as well as the determination that you demonstrated in addressing the issue of North Korea,” Abe told Trump. “So your stance made it possible to achieve this major change.”

…He praised the strength of the United States military as well as the success of the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, concluding that diplomatic relations in the region had changed dramatically since Trump became president. [Source: Breitbart]

Japan is one of our closest allies. They have a lot at stake when it comes to North Korean aggression. Over the last few years, we’ve learned about test missiles fired dangerously close to Japanese shores. There is no doubt that one of the first countries hit by North Korea would have been Japan.
So, I’m guessing Abe knows a thing or two about what’s going on. Unlike the clowns in our media, he is seeing the real impact Trump’s words and actions are having on North Korea. Keep in mind, North Korea has been a threat to Asia, for the last sixty-five years. Nothing has worked to stop their weapons development. Former U.S. presidents did nothing. But a few tweets from Trump and everything is changing.

Prime Minister Abe has no problem giving credit where credit is due. He’s seeing Trump’s leadership having a real impact on his own country. Thanks to Trump, Japan does not have to fear a nuclear war with North Korea. That’s pretty huge. Millions of Japanese citizens will sleep easy at night, knowing North Korea is not about to fire missiles at them.

“I’d like to take this opportunity to express and pay my tribute to your leadership,” he said.

Abe said that denuclearization in the region was a top priority for Japan, expressing hope for the expected diplomatic meeting.

“This will be a historic meeting, and I certainly hope that there will be progress on these fronts,” he said. [Source: Breitbart]
Numerous attempts at denuclearizing North Korea have failed. But now, even Kim Jong Un is expressing an interest. He is close to signing a peace treaty with South Korea. He is about to meet with President Trump. Who knows what will come of that meeting? Are we about to see a long-time enemy becoming an ally? Anything’s possible, with Trump at the helm. Hmm, I wonder if CNN is going to give this adequate coverage? My guess is no.