7 thoughts on “Jealousy Kills”

  1. I think a large part of jealousy is instinctive. If you look at animals, the males all strive to be the alpha male. I’ve seen documentaries on gorillas and you can see in the eyes of the subservient beta males that they loathe the alpha males. With humans, everyone tries to be the best can be but when their best isn’t good enough rather than work towards improving themselves they try to verbally or physically attack their apparent betters. Which is exactly what animals, like gorillas, do.

  2. totally agree. anytime i start to feel jealous i immediately switch my mind and remind myself i should feel happy for them! you never know how hard someone might have worked or the discipline they went through to have/do/be. I would want others to be happy for me….sometimes life doesn’t seem fair when dealing with jealous people 🙁

  3. a little self trust and confident is the key, I also have questionable thoughts about people who are like that, but still dont want to make effort on the things that I CANT change, instead I focus on myself for being a better human being..

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