Jeffrey Epstein signed a will 2 days before he died – after trying to commit suicide 2 weeks prior, and reportedly killing himself 2 days later.
Epstein also listed the former Chief Science Adviser to Bill Gates as backup executor!
And – Epstein could have been stopped in 1997?
What on EARTH is going on?
“More than two decades before Jeffrey Epstein took his own life, a woman went into a California police station and filed one of the earliest sex-crime complaints against him: that he groped her during what she thought was a modeling interview for the Victoria’s Secret catalog.
“Alicia Arden said she never heard back from investigators about her complaint. No charges ever came of it. And to this day she sees it as a glaring missed opportunity to bring the financier to justice long before he was accused of sexually abusing dozens of teenage girls and women.
“If they would have taken me more seriously than they did, it could have helped all these girls,” said Arden, an actress and model. “It could have been stopped.”
“When she showed up, she found Epstein barefoot and clad in sweat pants and a T-shirt with USA on the front. He started criticizing her figure and asked her to come close to him so he could evaluate it, according to accounts Arden gave in interviews with the AP and in her police report.
“Epstein then asked her to undress and assisted in pulling her top off and skirt up, saying, “Let me manhandle you for a second” as he began groping her buttocks.
“Arden said she pushed his hands away and left.”
“Jeffrey Epstein ‘signed will’ two days before his death, leaving behind nearly $600 million trust
“Jeffrey Epstein had very few people he could turn to in his final days. When he needed a backup to handle his estate, he named a little-known biotech venture capitalist named Boris Nikolic in his will. But apparently without Nikolic’s knowledge.
“Nikolic said he was “shocked” after hearing from Bloomberg News of his inclusion in Epstein’s will. “I was not consulted in these matters and I have no intent to fulfill these duties, whatsoever,” according to a statement provided by his spokeswoman.
“A former science adviser to Bill Gates, Nikolic was part of a circle of scientists whom Epstein cultivated in recent years, especially in biotechnology. He was an immunologist who did his post-doctoral work at Harvard, moving in a well-connected social and academic world that Epstein coveted as a wealth manager.”
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