Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:No More Torture!

Alex returns to the airwaves. Today’s guest is former Minnesota governor, retired professional wrestler, Navy UDT veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host Jesse Ventura.

12 thoughts on “Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:No More Torture!”

  1. Jesse Ventura kind of pisses me off with this out of the country for half the year and really not knowing anything about current events…

  2. Lol i love how Alex will never talk over Jesse. I’m used to him jumping in and talking about some news article if his guest is talking too slow. you can tell he really respects Jesse.

  3. What has the government FIXED in the last 30 years? Social security? Immigration? Value of the dollar? Education? Heath care? Are Americans safer? NO, NO, NO, and NO. Everything the government touches, it screwes up..

    I know one thing. You cant blame the third party on ALL this *****.

  4. Wowzers in my trousers…Alex’s channel has 1984 videos at this moment. What message is he sending us?

  5. Kenya is a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President is both the head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system.

    Don’t lie Alex!

  6. did alex loose some pounds in his infowar break?
    he’s looking very healthy..
    thats only a good thing..

  7. Alex spearheading issues, like always – Thanks for all you do ! On that initial voting issue, my thought is that voting is all controlled and manipulated. FOR EXAMPLE, when obama was elected, he was voted in BEFORE 1 vote in CA was counted (this was observed LIVE.). There’s so MUCH corruption, it’s hard to know where to even begin. Remember the USA was FOUNDED on Satanism – Freemasonry and corruption. Stay strong brothers !

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