JFK Conspiracy? PROOF finally revealed! (with SOUND) Sewer RATS?

shot from the sewer drains beneath Dealey Plaza? … JFK conspiracy death murder Kennedy dwyerlupin shocking lies Zapruder history historical assassination freemasons pyramid all seeing eye Evolution of Dance avril girlfriend global propaganda nazi bush queen elizabeth sheep Freemasons and Illuminati in Music The Killers Read My Mind Rock Island Flood [Producer] Alan illuminati new world order 9/11 alex jones rosie russo false flag david icke inside job christianity ron paul iran 911 Martel …

24 thoughts on “JFK Conspiracy? PROOF finally revealed! (with SOUND) Sewer RATS?”

  1. woah This seems absolutely to be what could of happened
    it would explain why people ran towards the grassy knoll
    if the assassin was standing at the top, people would of caught him
    but sitting underneath in the sewer, explains why people ran that way but could not find anyone
    it also explains why the police were dispatched shortly after to the trinity river, this without a doubt, is the best evidence presented to solve the Kennedy assassination

  2. that’s easy he wasn’t a member of any secret organizations like the bilderburg group etc. he wasn’t in the in-crowd and they didn’t want him doing things outside of their influence that could be irreperable once someone else took office. He believed in american ideals and would have been a threat to the feds and most other politicians at the time who were in cahoots with the fed reserve and the real puppet masters. The last deathknell of true f

  3. The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia. Keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question, why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who?

  4. Tom Wilson’s credentials can be no less technical or appropriate than those of the Warren Commission members, most of whom were government officials with political agendas and no investigative training or experience. Those guys didn’t even ask to see the original photos.

    The sewer story seems plausible. At 8:10, we see Brazil inside the sewer with room to move around. He reported that he made four trips through the sewer to the Trinity River in 1992.

  5. I doubt it. Janet Jacksons wardrobe is far more important than this don’t you think?

  6. Is it a coincidence that this video only has 156 hits, but a video about Janet Jackson’s warddrobe malfcunction has well over 10k?

  7. You would need to see a 1962 lincoln limo positioned exactly where JFK’s wasat Zapruder frame 313, and a camera angle looking up from the sewer’s curb drain slot to determine this theory.

    Why was none shown?

    As usual in 99% of these stories, the ONLY detail that matters is left out of the visuals.

    The angle seems too far below the lincoln limo’s side for JFK to have been visible to a shooter at street level, so, without a camera shot, the theory remains invalid.


  8. Were you inside that storm drain in 1963?
    According to researcher John Judge it is different inside today.

    Judge and researcher Penn Jones used to go into the sewer back in the 60`s and make their way through the pipes.

    The point is the sewer is not the same inside as it was in 1963.
    The street opening is also smaller today.

  9. This confirms my personal theory ! I came to the same conclusion by determining that the majority of the blood spray would fallow the bullet, & the blood spray is mostly up.

  10. out of all the conspiracy..this one makes a lot more sence!.and i too believe Johnson was in on it !

  11. Sorry, kids, but Tom Wilson was another in a LONG line of self-made super sleuths. His model of the brain? What a laughable joke! Where did he get his degree? Nowhere! That’s why they don’t tell you that.
    Jack Brazil is another goof. I myself have been inside that storm sewer and what Jack doesn’t show you is the INSIDE. You are left to conclude in your mind that there is room enough to rat around but THERE ISN’T! A real rat could get thru those little pipes but a man could not. A load of *****.

  12. i love how you completely and WRONGFULLY overgeneralized americans. look how many AMERICANS have made movies on why they think 911 was an inside job.. go look up videos of AMERICANS chanting “9/11 was an inside job!” in protest. its not that everyones common sense is gone. the government will never admit it was an inside job. despite there being overwhelming evidence. that a lot of americans are aware of. its not that we bought into anything. its that we havent gone after the true terrorists.

  13. That’s it, unfortuneatly americans don’t have the capacity to understand anything. common sense is gone. Christ, they bought 911. the zionists are geniuses.

  14. No. The rats that killed JFK were all of the 2 legged variety and all were above ground on 22nd November 1963. Don’t forget that there was also a rattlesnake involved in JFK’s assassination. That rattlesanke was Lyndon B. Johnson.

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