Joe Rogan Knows Not to Agree With Moon Landing Hoax Proponents

Joe Rogan carefully approaches the third-rail subject of Moon Landing Hoaxes and takes the opportunity to side with the conventional wisdom of the masses because if there’s one subject humanity will never permit to be shredded it’s the Moon Landing narrative. joe rogan, jre, bart sibrel, starfish prime, elon musk, moon landings, conspiracy theories, skepticism, hoax claims, nasa, apollo program, lunar surface, evidence, debunked, authenticity, photographs, telemetry data, radio transmissions, tv broadcasts, moon rock samples, lunar reconnaissance orbiter, lro, descent stages, footprints, astronauts, american flags, lunar exploration, space exploration, space race, skepticism, moon missions, moon rocks, moon landing deniers, public perception, opinion polls, mainstream media, lunar conspiracy, moon hoax, lunar landing, space travel, lunar missions, scientific evidence, lunar exploration, space history, moon rocks, space technology, lunar landscape, historical events, apollo astronauts, lunar module, lunar hoax, lunar landing sites, conspiracy believers, lunar missions, moon conspiracy theories, apollo missions, moon exploration, scientific consensus, space exploration, lunar discoveries, lunar truthers, lunar skepticism, lunar evidence, lunar exploration, lunar conquest