July 1, 2009: John Garamendi’s Question to President Obama on Health Care

Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi, Californias former Insurance Commissioner for eight years, today submitted the following question during President Obamas online health care town hall: Mr. President, Im Lt. Governor John Garamendi from California. Thank you so very much for your leadership on this crucial issue for America. Mr. President, we actually solved this problem 41 years ago when we created Medicare. Its a program that works and provides coverage for everyone. Why dont we just go …

5 thoughts on “July 1, 2009: John Garamendi’s Question to President Obama on Health Care”

  1. John, that isn’t a bad idea, but it has some problems, as you probably know. Medicare has so many problems of its own, that Obama might do better to start all over with another system anyway.

  2. Why can’t we have Medicare for all? Because it’s going broke in less than 10 years!

  3. It’s a whole lot cheaper because participating physicians aren’t getting paid what they need just to continue practicing and it’s just as expensive as private insurance for most people. Step one should be regulating costs. If we want a National-for-everyone type plan, we’re going to have to pay for it. The difference between Obama’s plan and the current state of affairs in this industry is that you’ll get what you pay for without precondition.

  4. When government’s Medicare program IS PROHIBITED BY LAW to negotiate collectively for better drug deals, That demonstrated how powerful the health care industrial complex is.

    Four hundred millions lobbying dollars spent a year is no small change!

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