“Why do [SETI Specialists] assume that radio is the ultimate means of long distance communication, when we have only had this kind of technology for roughly 100 years? Just down the galactic street there are two sun-like stars (Zeta l and Zeta 2 Reticuli) only 37 light years away and a billion years older than the sun. Of great interest is the fact that they are less than 1 light year apart from each other. It is good to see recent recognition of the fact that we can already, with our primitive technology, create laser signals able to be observed by other civilizations in the neighborhood. Optical SETI is coming in to its own. But remember progress comes from doing things differently. What new communication techniques will we master in just 50 or 100 years??” — Stanton T. Friedman, UFOlogist Paterfamilias
Lionel takes the stage October 5, 2019 CE, at the fabled Cutting Room in NYC for an evening of (out)spoken word, bluegrass and total immersion performance magic. Sui generis and nonpareil. Tickets are available here but please act soon, we’re expecting another sellout crowd. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lionel-tickets-61204016862
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