Just Moments Ago Jim Goodall on behalf of Thirdphaseofmoon speaks with Bob Lazar! We get Bobs Reaction to the amazing statements from the Pentagon that they have recently recovered Off World Vehicles not of this planet! https://youtu.be/6itFKB-fu1w
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Bob Lazar Film https://www.amazon.com/Bob-Lazar-Area-Flying-Saucers/dp/B07L139C66
Thirdphaseofmoon Panel Team Contacts:
Jim Goodall https://www.facebook.com/jim.goodall.71
Doc Skinner
Appola Asteria https://www.apollaasteria.com/
Rich Giordano https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKCPk23691JGMYMk1srwJQQ