JUST IN: Now We Know Who The NSA Leaker Was Working For… THIS IS TREASON
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It’s unbelievable how much nonsense President Trump has had to deal with since taking office. The swamp is deep!
Reality Winner is the latest thorn in Trump’s side. According to Fox News, Winner, a former government contractor, was arrested for leaking NSA information to online publications. Winner wrote that if she had her way, she would burn down the White House, go to Afghanistan, and pledge allegiance to the Taliban. DISGUSTING.
The whole case surrounding this woman is disturbing, to say the least. There are phone calls between Winner and her mother wherein Winner coaches her mother on interacting with the media. Her mom got on camera and followed her daughter’s orders. What’s going on here?
If you listen to the way Winner’s defense attorney speaks about her, it causes some serious alarm. Attorney Titus Nichols made it sound like his client was being punished for being a rambunctious millennial who “doesn’t know any better.”
Titus said that, “Because my client is a millennial and she knows how to use technology, that’s somehow proof of evil intent.” Titus is missing the point here.
Winner isn’t going to be allowed out of jail until her trial — she released TOP SECRET information to an unnamed media outlet. In and of itself, that is a felony, and a reason for us to be alarmed.
When you take into consideration Reality’s talks about burning down the White House and “joining the Taliban,” you REALLY have to worry. We’re in the midst of dealing with some of the most violent extremists the world has ever seen, and we’re supposed to let this go because of her age? NO.
Law enforcement needs to conduct a full investigation — there’s no reason she should ever be allowed to walk free. Winner’s parents are willing to put their 20-acre chunk of property, and house, on the market to bail her out.
As a country, we NEED to take people who behave like this seriously. This is the equivalent of catching a terrorist with bombs on his chest and, instead of punishing him, proclaiming: “He should be let free! He didn’t actually DO anything!” No — but he would have, given the chance. We can’t figure out what part of this isn’t clear.
We’re alarmed by the fact Winner was leaking information — not because she was worried about the state of her country, but because of the political favor she stood to gain. As Tucker Carlson pointed out, there’s a huge difference between whistleblowing to defend your country, and leaking info because to derail the new president.
Justice will be served to Reality Winner, and all of those involved with leaking documents from the government in the effort to sabotage the president. We’re not going to sit by and watch this happen any longer.
How long do you think Reality Winner should do in prison for her crimes? Share this story on Facebook and let us know because we want to hear YOUR voice!