JUST IN: Republicans Call For A Special Counsel And You Will Never Guess Who It Is For
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Reports are starting to trickle out of Washington D.C. that some Republicans in Congress are calling for a special prosecutor to investigate whether or not former AG Loretta Lynch, the same one that called for “blood in the streets”, interfered with the Hillary Clinton email investigation. This stems from the now not so clandestine tarmac meeting between the former AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton in Phoenix, Arizona, but also the Democrats continuing to follow this false narrative that President Trump colluded with Russia to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election.
Since Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States the political elite, so-called anti-fascists who live in their parents’’ basement’s, and tinfoil hat wearing Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who think George Bush is still President, and Mad Max Maxine Waters, who seems to think she can’t be impeached, have resorted to all sorts of disgusting tactics to undermine a President who simply wants to Make America Great Again. This continuing demand for the investigation into President Trump is about to blow up in their face, and I hope people like Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch wind up in jail, where they belong.
It’s not yet been specified which Republicans are calling for an investigation into the former AG Loretta Lynch but this is something that needs to happen and should have happened a long time ago. We now know, based on testimony James Comey provided, that former AG Loretta Lynch, otherwise known as canckles, wanted him to refer to the Hillary Clinton email investigation as a “matter” and not the investigation that it was.
James Comey, stated under oath, the following to the Senate Intelligence Committee,
“It gave the impression that the attorney general was looking to align the way we talked about our work with the way [the Clinton campaign] was describing that. It was inaccurate, we had an investigation open for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, we had an investigation open at the time. That gave me a queasy feeling.”