Kanye West Reveals Obama’s Plan To Destroy His Own People

Kanye West Reveals Obama’s Plan To Destroy His Own People

Source: https://goo.gl/S9SqLN
Democrats always claim to be the “party of the people.”

Democrats get elected by telling everyone they’re going to take care of the “little people,” that they know how to connect with the everyday man on the street.

Of course, all of that is a lie.

Leftists have no interest in actually helping people; they’re only interested in everyone’s voting support. They’ll make the common man feel good during a speech, but the reality is very different.

And that’s precisely what rapper Kanye West said about former President Barack Obama.
We know the popular Chicago rapper is no fan of Obama and a big Trump follower, and he’s not backing down. Now, he has compared Obama to the #1 issue facing America today.

During an interview with TMZ’s Harvey Levin this week, West called Obama the black person’s “opioid.”

From Breitbart:

“’Obama was our opioids. It made us feel like everything was good,’ he said during the interview.

Kanye West said Obama was held in such a high regard that it alienated himself from the lower class.
‘The class war is one of the reasons why Trump won, because Obama was so high class that it stopped speaking to the middle and the lower class,’ he said.”

This has been the disappointed rallying cry of many lower-income and minority individuals:

Democrats may say they’re all about helping such people but the truth is, they just want their vote. They don’t actually speak to or for the middle or lower classes.

No, instead, much like Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who’s worth millions and millions of dollars, the leftists are massive hypocrites. They have everything and pretend to “understand” those who don’t.

Worse, under a system of endless welfare and assistance programs, designed to destroy pride, ambition, discipline, and any sense of a work ethic, the poor just get poorer. Nothing works.
And West wasn’t done. He added that while blacks always march about whites killing blacks, there hasn’t been enough focus on black-on-black crime.

“’Black people have a tendency to focus and march when a white person kills a black person or wears a hat, but when it’s 700 kids being killed in Chicago it’s O.K.

…there’s been more focus and more marches about whites killing blacks than kids in Chicago killing each other.‘”

These are harsh truths no liberal wants to hear. Obama was the savior and Trump is the devil; that’s the running rhetoric that dominates the entire country today.

Few people like West are brave enough to stand up and tell it like it is. But let’s thank God that such people do indeed exist!