Kevin Dellinger – Being Me (All as One)

Kevin Dellinger – Being Me (official music video) All as One – A Spiritual Awakening: An important message to planet Earth. A message to activate our spiritual evolution as a human race in this Universe. Another way of viewing ourselves in relation to our planet and your personal journey through life. For more videos by Kevin Dellinger visit his youtube channel at

10 thoughts on “Kevin Dellinger – Being Me (All as One)”

  1. Does anyone reading this think compassion could help keep the illusion of separation real? Namastay and One Love

  2. Actually it was hi-jacked and distorted. this is why jesus and others never wrote things personally, so they could not be distorted! You can logic out what is truth and what is not easy, just ask, Who stands to gain? The problem is a lot of PLL just parrot and don’t ask any questions. If is feels wrong inside they ingnore it. There for they lose them selfs.

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