28 thoughts on “Late Show With David Letterman Part 1 of 3 Bill Hicks remembered with mother Mary Hicks 2009 01 30”

  1. Manning up would be donating his paycheck from this show to cancer research…..

  2. these dribbling idiots probably didn’t even know him. fair play to letterman though-it was 15 years LATE!!, but better late than never. again, it’s a pity that what was obviously a sincere expression of regret was misunderstood by audience members whose shoe sizes are bigger than their i.q.s

  3. The audience is made up of the utterly soulless wastes of sperm that Bill despised and wanted to be rid of from the planet.

  4. Yeah.. but it took alot of guts for Dave to do this.. I love Bill, but hats off to Dave for doing this.. considering the history between the two.

  5. 9/11 was an inside job moron. And it was done by Israel’s Mossad and all the circumspect evidence points to it quite clearly

  6. Give Letterman a break. He didn’t have to do this now, and there’s no giant sudden popular wave to ride here. The guy has run television shows for 30 years, and has made millions of good decisions. He made a bad one here, and didn’t have to try to make up for this at all, but he did.

    As for the genius who claims Letterman messed up Hicks’ career, Hicks had appeared on his shows eleven times before, and Hicks died only five months later.

  7. the reason bills segment was cut was because the network had a Pro Life advert running during the commercial breaks. i highly doubt letterman is the sole cause of stopping bill from being aired…i have a feeling its the network and the pro-lifers pulling the strings and putting pressure on dave to cut out anything against their agenda

  8. In a world where it is increasingly rare to find a person who will take responsibility for his actions-
    What Letterman did was extraordinary-
    Clearly not something he had to do,but wanted to do.

  9. Can’t say I’ve seen any evidence about Mossad being behind 9/11 but I’ll agree that the way the towers fell didn’t happen the way the report says it did. There are far too many questions about the event and even looking at the fall objectively you’d say it was controlled demolition. Proabably never know the truth though.

  10. The fact is, art is dead nearly everywhere in the world. Artists? Nobody gives a ***** about artists. Business and people with vested interest in keeping people uncreative (*cough* the school system) run the world. Bill Hicks was a very creative person, but who gives a ***** about him when you have sponsors? Government, generally, is not on your side (although that doesn’t mean I think 9/11 was an inside job, it wasn’t). They say they care about your opinion but they really don’t. ***** them.

  11. Gee, Bill “passed away” from pancreatic cancer? Sure it wasn’t revulsion from a lifetime of looking at his ugly ***** of a mom?

  12. There is an post-censorship interview with Bill where he paraphrases the letter that the network sent him. I’m not sure it had all that much to do with Letterman though. Still good of him to retract it regardless. Can’t help but feel that the increasing awareness to this great comedian is like a slow burn.

  13. I like Dave a bit but he is a bit of a fake. Bill Hicks will always get more respect than Dave ever will because Bill was the real deal. Peace.

  14. No MpowerdApe, you are wrong, that was genuine on Letterman’s part, do you think most people in the audience were the least bit aware? That wasn’t a show for the audience it was done out of respect for Bill Hicks and I appreciate that Letterman did that.

    Why are you so angry?

  15. The audience laughing when Letterman tell how they cut Bill entirely out of the last show he did for them really pisses me off. Utter morons.

  16. Easy for some people, but some would die before admiting they were wrong + on tv.
    Thumbs up for this dude..

  17. If he appeared on Letterman’s old show but was banned from the new show, on a different network, it sounds like Letterman himself may have not had a whole lot to do with the decision.

    Did he just get the blame because he was the face, or what?

    Note – I’m not really a fan of late night television, in any form, so don’t for a second consider me a fan of David Letterman.

  18. Fair play to Letterman for this, just the cue card took away most of the sincerety for me

  19. Dude, he died like a year later. Thats not his whole career. Moron. Bill would of encouraged you to think for yourself, so for ****** sake do so, don’t just blindly defend him.

  20. Talk show audience members are notoriously stupid! Just watch Oprah or Dr. Phil and pay attention to the morons plastically smiling and nodding their heads at everything the hosts say. Not an original thought among them.

  21. It is easy for Letterman to be classy now that Hicks is a dead legend and the incident is infamous. I like Letterman, but It is an easy stance to take.

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