15 thoughts on “Late Show With David Letterman Part 3 of 3 Bill Hicks remembered with mother Mary Hicks 2009 01 30”

  1. My hat really goes off to Letterman. For all the fellow Hicks fans who still condemn Dave after this, that is your choice, but I really think you should reflect on the strong character it takes to acknowledge such a mistake (to Bill’s mother no less) in front of millions of people. We all have life lessons of integrity and morality while on this planet and I think Dave handled this one like a champ. No pandering or sensationlism either, I think Dave’s intentions were quite clear.

  2. “Is that you, Billy Ray Cyrus?” I’d just like to say that the above comment is hilarious!

  3. I was only a little kid when Bill was around, but he is a huge inspiration to me. Whenever life seems like ***** or how badly the world is fucked up, Bill, even though he has been dead for about 15 years now, speaks beyond the grave. His message was way ahead of his time. He literally is, at least to me, the modern day Socrates. Bill Hicks is hands down the greatest commedian and thinker of his day. Back when John Lennon was killed and Reagan was president, Bill truly was a gift of light. R.I.P.

  4. U shouldn’t be disappointed. The point of the joke was that it’s a double standard and he exposes it in a joke. He sead, “I’m fairly open minded, but….”. He explains it a lot better in his last ever performance video part 1. Check it out.

  5. I mean really… I can’t understand why the would censor that. It’s tame by Bill Hicks’ standards. Still brilliant, but restrained nonetheless.

  6. Hey Capulator8

    Bill Hicks wasn’t homophobic! It was a joke that made people think…”hey wait a minute”. He purposefully baited the audience in that skit, proclaiming “Daddy’s New Roommate” to be evil and disgusting, then delivering the punch-line approving of “My two Mommies”… thus highlighting the hypocrisy in people’s beliefs and views toward gay people. It probably went over the heads of all the homophobes in the audience who cheered in support but I’m hoping it made a few think.

  7. In an interview Bill Hicks said it was because of the religious jokes … which also seems an odd target for the Letterman show, but who knows? It’s been so long even Letterman seems uncertain.

  8. well i must say; considering he was dying already, i doubt the cigarettes were really a huge detriment to his well-being… regardless; it seems that a lot of people are overly sensitive about gay issues these days… and being gay, i find it a lot more awkward to be around someone who goes off on people who make gay jokes than actually being around a person who tells gay jokes… lol

  9. It’s why he’s considered one of the greats. His stuff is still funny, relevant, and edgy so many years later. Most comedians still don’t have the balls to talk about these topics.



  10. How did you work out that he was homophobic? If you really believe that then… you clearly are not aware of his style of humor at all.

    He’s ripping the piss out of those bigotry, chauvinistic pricks that rant and rave about hating *****, but jerk off to ******** porn every night.

    And it took me to paint that picture for you.

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