Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv with Jason Bermas 3/4:We Are Now Nazi Germany !!

Jason also talks with libertarian political commentator, activist, proponent of the Austrian School of economics, and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Lew Rockwell. www.lewrockwell.com prisonplanet.tv

4 thoughts on “Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv with Jason Bermas 3/4:We Are Now Nazi Germany !!”

  1. Zeitgeist Addendum will go down as the film of our age and this moron will only be remembered as a fear mongering elite puppet who tried stir civil unrest so that a military dictatorship could be instituted. Don’t let this ******** scare you he’s trying to make you believe that they are still in control. Information is more free than ever before and a shift in consciousness is about to take place on a scale never before seen in human history. BE EXCITED NOT FEARFUL CHANGE IS NEAR!

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