Liberal Con Artist Tries to Defend Melania Rumors, Humiliates All Democrats Instead

Liberal Con Artist Tries to Defend Melania Rumors, Humiliates All Democrats Instead

Liberal pundit Ana Navarro tried to defend the ugly rumors the mainstream media invented about First Lady Melania Trump. She tried to compare them to rumors about Hillary Clinton. In the end, it backfired tremendously.

You probably heard what the left has been trying to say about Melania Trump. After she underwent minor surgery, she was out of the public eye for a few weeks. We can naturally assume she enjoyed some time to recover. Then, she most-likely went about her business. Unlike most glory-obsessed politicians, she was not quick to rush in front of the cameras.

This led to an incredible campaign by the left to smear her. Pathetic, monkey-brained liberals started to invent rumors about her sudden “disappearance.” The wild and completely unsubstantiated rumors ranged from Melania being seriously ill, living overseas, and even being abused by Donald Trump. They were ugly, nasty lies, invented by a media that hates our President and First Lady.

But what else can we expect from an industry that pretends to be impartial but is really the PR arm of the Democratic Party?
Patriots were quick to condemn these vile rumors. Most of us hate the media at this point. Rarely are we surprised over their constant stream of fake news. But this stunt was a new low, and we had to call them out on it. There seems to be no limit to what they’ll say or do to slander our leaders. Even Melania Trump had to address the rumors, making it clear she was hard at work (and even spotted by numerous reporters at the White House — who refused to mention that).

Even though the left was, once again, exposed for their petty dishonesty, they refuse to admit defeat. Known con artist and liberal shill Ana Navarro took to Twitter to actually defend the libelists rumors that her cohorts invented.

As you can imagine, patriots were quick to pounce.

She knows that questions and conspiracy theories about Melania Trump’s health shared by the blue-check mob are not the same as legitimate concerns about the health of Hillary Clinton who was literally seen collapsing and getting thrown into a van? Please tell us she knows that a First Lady is in no way the same as questioning the health of the person who can launch nukes:
Just wow. [Source: Twitchy]

I don’t know how someone could be that stupid. But we shouldn’t be surprised, this is a liberal we’re talking about.
First of all, I find it very hilarious that after all this time, they’re still talking about Hillary Clinton. Way to stay stuck in the past, guys. Secondly, how is worrying about Clinton’s health — after numerous red flags — the same as the media inventing rumors about Melania Trump?

It’s clear the left was trying to attack Melania over nothing. Liberals — especially feminists — hate Melania Trump. She’s everything they wished they could be: smart, successful, powerful, and (this is the big one) beautiful. And she’s a conservative. That really makes them mad. Liberals expose their true nature when they spew sexist and racist attacks at our First Lady.

When we discussed Hillary Clinton’s health, it was out of legitimate concern. She frequently had trouble speaking, coughing and hacking like a dying smoker during speeches. Then there were the many times she needed help climbing a few stairs. And we can’t forget this:
Yeah. Americans had the right to know if the woman trying to become president had health issues. That’s pretty legitimate, Navarro.

Patriots took to Twitter to put this liberal shill in her place.

Many people still speculate about Hillary’s health. Recent appearances have shown some troubling things, like her wearing what seems to be a back brace. America really dodged a bullet when we elected Donald Trump.

This is yet more proof of the left’s double standard. They can’t stand the reasonable scrutiny of their people. But liberals can slander, trash, and lie about conservatives all they want. Perhaps that’s why they keep losing…