Liberal Judge Frees 3 Migrant Gang-Rapists, Awards One $16K After Hearing Sick Excuse
After a woman correctly identified the 3 migrants who participated in her brutal gang-rape, the court found the men guilty of their heinous crimes. However, a liberal appeals judge quickly acquitted the all 3 migrants and even awarded one of them over $16,000 when he heard their disgusting excuse.
Just decades ago, Sweden’s leftist government opened its borders to migrants, adding 1 million asylum seekers to its population of just 8 million. Since then, the country has seen rape skyrocket 1,472 percent while crime has increased 300 percent. Now, statistics suggest that as many as 1 in 4 Swedish women will be raped. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped the justice system from enabling such brutality and misogyny.
After an unnamed woman was brutally gang-raped by a trio of migrants in the city of Ludvika, she immediately reported the heinous sexual assault to Swedish authorities, leading to her attackers’ arrests. The courageous victim soon testified in court that all 3 of the suspects had participated in the gang-rape, confirming that 2 restrained her while a third raped her. In a shocking turn of events, the victim must watch her attackers walk free but must accept that one of them will receive a hefty settlement from the court.
According to Swedish online newspaper Dala-Demokraten, despite a court sentencing all 3 migrants sentenced to 4 years in prison, deportation, and compensating the victim over $19,000, a liberal appeals judge has overturned the ruling, acquitting the migrants of all charges and awarding one of them more than $16,000 in damages.
In a case that has shocked the country, the Court of Appeals ruled that all 3 of them “should, therefore, have been acquitted of all charges” and that the third convict receives compensation because the judge believes it is unclear which role each migrant played in the rape. Although the judge acknowledges that the 3 migrants did participate in the sexual assault, he ruled that they should not have been convicted unless the court knew who held the woman down and who penetrated her.
The appeals judge’s ruling contradicts the migrants’ prior testimonies in which one of the suspects blamed the other 2 for raping her while they say they were not even in the area. The court found DNA evidence proving that at least 2 of them were at the location during the time of the rape and that they had conspired to sexually assault the victim. Unbelievably, this was not enough to convince the judge, who indirectly blamed the victim for not being able to identify the attackers’ specific roles in her abuse.
One of the gang-rapists, a 25-year-old migrant living in the same town as his victim, has been ordered to receive approximately $16,100 for wrongful incarceration. Seeing his comrade’s success, one of the other rapists attempted to cash in on the court’s handouts, claiming “suffering” at the hands of the Attorney General as well as $4,300 in lost wages. Fortunately, his requests were denied but only on the grounds that his DNA proved that he was at the scene and, therefore, played some part in the crimes.
According to the Attorney General, Sweden is implementing so-called “Edgewater situations” in which courts are freeing suspects if they cannot identify the specific role they play in a crime. This has already occurred in another case in which a pair of migrants murdered their own baby.
In March 2017, a Swedish court acquitted Muslim refugees of beating their infant to death after the court failed to prove which parent carried out the brutal murder. Although the investigation determined that one of them killed the child, their testimonies consistently blamed each other, leading authorities to drop the charges completely.
In addition to walking free, the Muslim refugees were awarded over $18,000 in compensation for wrongful incarceration after they spent 3 months in jail awaiting trial.
Sweden has sealed its own fate by allowing political correctness and liberalism to infiltrate its legislative system. Now, migrants are being rewarded for committing unspeakable crimes against Swedish citizens. Sweden serves as a harbinger of what’s to come for the rest of the West if we allow the appeasement of such values overrule justice.