Liberal Trans Professor Tries To Shut Down Conservative Speaker, Gets Rude Awakening
After a liberal professor barbarically disrupted a conservative speaker in an attempt to shut down free speech, he learned a valuable lesson in constitutional freedoms.
The left unequivocally believes they have a monopoly on tolerance and morality. Ironically, their flagrant intolerance and penchant for underhanded tactics surface at the first hint of disagreement with their extremist values. This often prompts them to, at the least, shouting down opposing speakers, and, at the most, fascist violence.
When transgender liberal professor Joelle Ruby Ryan, a senior lecturer in the Women’s Studies department of the University of New Hampshire, heard that gay conservative comedian and political commentator Dave Rubin was invited to speak on May 1, he immediately resorted to the left’s choice strategy in fighting free thought. Ryan proceeded to disrupt Rubin’s event, leading protesters in attempting to drown out the speaker with noisemakers, obnoxious chants, and insolent screaming.
After relentlessly trying to shut down Rubin and bragging about the disruption on social media, Ryan’s career is deservedly in jeopardy. According to The College Fix, Ryan reportedly violated the university’s code on “harassing” and “hostile” behavior, placing him at the center of an academic review.
Part D of the code, section 3.5, states that “harassing…forms of communication,” as well as “any form of conduct that creates a hostile learning and/or working environment,” are forbidden.
Ryan has undeniably breached the code, which also stipulates that employees must allow for the “civil discourse” that Ryan delightedly confessed to suppressing. The rule states that educators “should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.”
Further, subsection forbids university members from engaging in conduct that creates “a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working and/or academic environment.” Section similarly forbids “conduct [that] unreasonably interferes with an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity.”
Ryan bragged about his fascist behavior, posting the proof of his willingness to tyrannically shut down thought and speech with which he disagrees.
“We did something right! Glad we were able to disrupt this man’s hate speech as much as possible. He is nothing but a provocateur and ‘civil discourse’ with him is impossible,” Ryan admitted on Twitter.
However, once his behavior was reported to the university leadership, Ryan had nothing to say about his potential punishment.
Remarkably, the university seems to be taking the issue seriously and has expressed its dedication to the free exchange of ideas.
Via email, Erika Mantz, a spokeswoman for the university, told The College Fix: “The University is proud of these students for exercising their rights to speak freely. Unfortunately, there were disruptions before and during the event. The University will continue to work with students, staff and faculty to uphold both the letter of the law and the spirit of free inquiry.”
“The University cannot comment on its response to the behavior of any particular student or employee at the event, but notes that as a community we strive to cherish the right of all persons to speak to a robust variety of viewpoints and for members of this community to choose to hear those viewpoints,” Mantz added.
Only time will tell if the university truly values free speech and if it will appropriately reprimand Ryan for his infringement of it.
Universities have become a breeding ground for progressive indoctrination instead of higher education. Young people are learning to regurgitate their liberal professors’ ideological tenets, avoiding critical thinking and logic. As such, campuses across the U.S. are churning out vicious ideologues who are willing to sacrifice our exceptional freedoms for utopian ideals like diversity.
Hopefully, the university will terminate Joelle Ruby Ryan before he continues to propagate his far-left ideology while simultaneously infringing upon the rights of students and taxpayers.