Limbaugh Just Declared Why “It Is The End Of CNN”

Limbaugh Just Declared Why “It Is The End Of CNN”

Rush Limbaugh has carved out a remarkable career for himself as the most successful figure in all of conservative talk radio. Over his career, Rush has watched as CNN pioneered the 24 hour news cycle and grew to prominence in the cable news world. The sharp-eyed Limbaugh detailed how CNN has now reached its inevitable end.

Said Rush on his show, “I think it was last week or the week before, I forget which, but I openly stated on this program that we are witnessing the decline and eventual demise of CNN. And that statement was picked up by several in the Drive-By Media, and panels were assembled to discuss my premise. ‘Do you really think,’ it was asked on Fox News, ‘do you really think this could be the end of CNN?’ It is the end of CNN.”

He later stated, referring to Trump’s controversial CNN tweet, “When I saw this, I was jealous. I was jealous that I didn’t do this. The video of Trump body slamming a CNN logo. I said, ‘This is great.’ Trump didn’t do it. He just retweeted it. But it was clever, it was funny, and it illustrated once again that modern-day journalism and modern-day liberalism have zero sense of humor. The serious outrage that this was met with is highly illustrative of just where modern-day liberalism is and who they really are.”
Rush continued, “I mean, CNN literally went bat crazy over this. They were acting like this is a direct assault on all members of the media. This is promoting violence against the media. Meanwhile, the only people being shot out there are Republicans. The only people being shot are Republicans, and they are deranged supporters of liberals like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and they are listening to all the rhetoric that the Drive-By Media, including CNN, is using to make them insane, to rev them up.”

Rush commented, “I thought it was hilarious and funny. But it made some people nervous is my point. I saw a lot of people over the weekend and they said, ‘It’s just not presidential.’ I said, ‘Look, the problem is Trump didn’t start this.’ And I reminded every one of these people how every time I’ve talked to them over the years, at one point or another there’s widespread complaining about the media.

And there’s always somebody in the group, ‘Somebody’s gotta do something.’ Well, somebody is. And this is what it looks like. This is exactly what it looks like, whether you’re taking on the media or whether you’re taking on any other branch of the Washington ruling class or establishment.” Do you think Rush is right?