Well, Well, Well, Look Who’s Been Busted In Disturbing Trump Assassination Plot, Inciting Others To Do It Too
This is what passes off as “art” today.
In a contemporary twist on the Shakespeare classic Julius Caesar, which opened May 23 and will run until June 18 at Central Park’s Delacorte Theater located at 81 Central Park W, New York, NY 10023.
So-called “Artists” have sunk to a new low by taking it upon themselves to make the new Julius Caesar look like President Donald Trump.
Gregg Henry who is the main actor in the play bears a striking resemblance to President Trump in a business suit, red tie, and blonde hair. When he is brutally stabbed by Senators as he his giving a speech. And as if this wasn’t disturbing enough, his wife, Calpurnia, played by Tina Benko, speaks with a Slavic accent, not unlike that of the First Lady Melania Trump.
The play, if you can even call it that, goes as far as showing Caesar himself while tweeting from a bathtub.
One play attendee, Laura Shaeffer, called it “Shocking and Distasteful.” She went on to add that that if this would have been done to any other recent President this would have never flown. She Made it very clear she doesn’t love the President but since he is the president you just can’t assassinate him on stage.
And who is the main sponsor of this distasteful play you might ask? None other than the rag publication that is The New York Times, which is currently owned by the richest man in the world, the Mexican Carlos Slim.
vdare.com Reports:
The Main Stream Media`s normal lack of interest in Mexico, our southern neighbor, was briefly interrupted last week. There was a flurry of news reports that Bill Gates has been dethroned as the world`s richest man by a fellow with an improbable name: Carlos Slim Helú, the Mexican telephone monopolist.
After those six weeks of hearing from the MSM that Mexico was unutterably poor and that illegal immigration is the only hope Mexicans had, this Richest-Man-In-The-World-Is-Mexican story seemed a bit off-message. No wonder the press went right back to ignoring Mexico.
It`s not that there aren`t colorful, in fact downright lurid, stories to be covered south of the border. For example, have you ever heard of Jorge Hank Rhon, who in 2004 was elected mayor of the big border city of Tijuana? It`s as if Phil Spector was chosen mayor of San Diego. Known to his constituents as Genghis Hank, this demi-billionaire father of 18 children by four women has a private zoo holding 20,000 animals in sickening squalor.
Tijuana journalists who investigate Hank`s doings have a tendency to wind up with bullets in them. His bodyguard was convicted in one of the assassinations.
You might think that a hereditary plutocrat`s minion murdering a Mexican reporter a few miles across the border would interest American reporters.
And they might also find it interesting that Hank`s brother had been the primary shareholder in the controversial Laredo National Bank of Texas, whose CEO, Gary G. Jacobs, contributed $85,000 to George W. Bush`s two campaigns for governor…
But you would be wrong. The truth is that the American press tends to find Mexico an awkward combination of comic and depressing. Stir in political correctness about Mexican immigrants (“Will reporting on Mexico play into the hands of those evil immigration restrictionists?”), plus the modern media personality`s tendency to both admire and fear the ultra-rich (with good reason in this case: the Hank family sued the tiny Mexican-American muckraking magazine El Andar for $10 million for covering them), and it`s best just to drop the whole subject.
Thus there`s almost no important American voice calling repeatedly for reform in Mexico.
So, who is Carlos Slim? And why does he have $67.8 billion?
Slim isn`t an out-of-control maniac like Hank. The only scandals clinging to Slim`s name are business-political, not personal. He embodies the Mexican ruling class at its best.