Loosen the Core Until it Shakes!

Vinnie Paz in shit. Paris is OK. Sick Since and Ill Bill all good. 911 or September 11, 2001 was the greatest world scam to take place in a very long time, no matter what your take on the conspiracy theorist or theories America American Turn off the TV and the news. Project Paper Clip Operation Northwoods George WH Bush Bill Skull and Bones Bohemia Grove secrete societies Freemasons mason Masonic Temple Mormon. Government in schools. Mercury Vaccines. Nazi Hitler Every one is in a rush. Drugs …

2 thoughts on “Loosen the Core Until it Shakes!”

  1. People need to wake up and realize that God spoke through Dr. King and if the US does not repent of evil, it will surely be cast into destitution then hell

  2. Beautiful!!!!! “I will rise up and I will break the backbone of your power and I will place it in . the hands of a nation that doesn’t even know my name.” And that nation was a Godless USA run by Zionist neo-con fascists and a fake Christian who through his unforgivable ignorance let them burn little kids faces from Iraq to the Gaza Strip. Go to church and stop letting Hollywood propaganda people brainwashed you into fearing the faith that made you what you were. Christians in Israel = 0.

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