Mad Dog Exposes SICK Thing Obama Did After Terrorists Killed US Soldiers!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend should be the life-slogan that Obama goes by. It has never been a secret that Obama is full of love and support for the very muslim countries that want western civilization eradicated, and he has always paid special attention to our biggest enemy-Iran.
In 2011 after Iranian-supplied rockets wiped-out nearly 15 U.S. troops every month in Iraq, General “Mad Dog” Mattis requested to launch a retaliation strike against Iran. Of course Obama denied the request out-right.
nstead of punishing Iran the way a true American President would have, Obama took it upon himself to REWARD them with more than $10 billion in gold, cash, and other assets starting in 2013.
The Traitor-In-Chief stated that he feared such a strike would infuriate the Iranians, and cause the dissent of the Iraqi Occupation to escalate, and he wanted desperately to end that. Obama feared the plan risked starting a war with Iran and he desperately sought to become allies with Iran instead.
Tragically 54 Military personnel were killed in Iraq in 2011, and yet the bogus nuke deal talks crumbled regardless of any strike. Mattis should have blown the Iranian scum to pieces, and as the President at the time Obama should have backed his play. Too bad we have been under the reign of a traitor for the last 8 years and our country is still paying the price for it!