Massive Solar Storm Nearly Wiped out Life on Earth Only 1300 Years Ago, Then Again 200 Years Later

Major Solar Storm Nearly Wiped out Life on Earth 1300 Years ago
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Ice Samples Reveal a Massive Sun Storm Hit Earth in Ancient Times…And It Could Happen Again
Multiradionuclide evidence for an extreme solar proton event around 2,610 B.P. (∼660 BC)

Massive Solar Storm Nearly Wiped out Life on Earth Only 1300 Years Ago, Then Again 200 Years Later, Next Event Overdue
Beyond the Carrington Event at a scale of up to 10 times. These Solar Storms Cause Mass Havoc on the Planet. Evidence from Ice Core Samples Taken in Greenland Show high levels of radiation created from these Massive Proton Storms belched out from the Sun.

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