Matt Couch & Det. Frank Whalen – Seth Rich Investigative Update 8/29/2018

It was at approximately 4:20 am ET on July 10, 2016 when 27-year-old Seth Conrad Rich, an employee of the Democratic National Committee was reportedly shot twice while allegedly walking home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, DC., about a block away from his apartment.

As reported by the media, Mr. Rich succumbed to his gunshot wounds at a local hospital a few hours later.

As reported by the police, Mr. Rich was murdered in a “robbery gone bad,” as nothing was taken.

It’s been over two years – nearly 27 months, and his death remains an unsolved homicide.

The still-unsolved murder of Mr. Rich has caused many “conspiracy theories” to arise due to a number of potentially inter-related or at least concurrent events happening at the time of his murder. Questions about Mr. Rich’s role, if any, in the DNC server leak and/or his potential knowledge pertaining to irregularities in the Democratic primaries have caused the corporate media and Democratic political pundits to label any legitimate questions into his homicide as “far right-wing” conspiracy theories.

Even the most skeptical among the people, however, must admit that there are far too many irregularities surrounding this homicide that must be addressed.

Despite the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia classifying his death as a consequence of a random act of violence from an attempted robber “gone bad,” there is growing evidence to the contrary now seeing the light of day thanks to a very impressive professional group of private investigators and researchers who have been at the forefront of investigating the mysterious murder of Mr. Rich.

Under the umbrella of The America First Media Group founded by Matt Couch and since taking on their own private investigation because of the public importance of this matter, they have uncovered and authenticated new and critically important evidence.

Matt Couch, founder, director and spokesperson of the America First Media Group with Ret. NYPD homicide Detective Frank Whalen appears in this segment.

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