Maxine’s Pissed, Trump Just Stopped Her Illegal ‘Gravy Train’ Of Cash With One Epic Move
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Did you ever think you’d see the day that Maxine Waters would stop screeching “Impeach 45?” Well, that is exactly what happened when her illegal gravy train of cash was threatened by President Donald Trump. She told her nutjob followers that “we will deal with Trump later,” which makes those who follow Auntie Maxine wonder what in the hell is going on that is taking her away from her most important, although incredibly ignorant, endeavor.
Maxine Waters’ sole purpose in life is to ratchet up the useful idiots, screaming, “Impeach 45,” while the majority of those following her don’t even understand what they are saying. Waters has made a national name for herself with her antics as the new liberal icon, although she’s been around for over 20 years.
Usually, she is booked on MSNBC or CNN with the same tired talking points and her famous gaffes, like when she told reporters Russia invaded Korea. We all know Auntie Maxine isn’t the brightest bulb in Congress, so when she turns all her attention to the “Financial Choice Act,” you know something isn’t right.
First, she tweeted this:
We will deal w/ the #ComeyHearing & lying Trump soon, but while you’re distracted, GOP wants to pass a #WallStreet giveaway. Not w/o a fight
Maxine is really invested in this piece of legislation because she got rich off of the financial crisis in 2008. Maxine’s husband sat on the board of directors at One United Bank, and she got them a huge bailout. As Judicial Watch reported, “[T]he House Ethics Committee charged Rep. Waters with three counts of violating House rules and ethics regulations in connection with her use of power and influence on behalf of One United Bank. Waters broke the rules in requesting federal help [bailout money] for a bank where her husband owned stock and had served on the board of directors.”
Maxine got the failing bank twelve million dollars, and her local newspaper reports that Maxine’s take was a cool million, according to Judicial Watch. So, you have to think that it’s pretty suspect that she is so upset about this Finacial Choice Act. In fact, she’s so obsessed, she tweeted over 15 times about it in 48 hours and abandoned her impeach Trump effort.
Thanks to President Trump’s economic plan, Waters’ hopes were dashed when the bill passed. However, we do know she has another illegal scheme that pays her well. “Waters has also come under fire for skirting federal elections rules with a shady fundraising gimmick that allows her to receive unlimited amounts of donations from certain contributors,” reports Judicial Watch.
For years, Waters has raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in short periods of time by selling her endorsement to other politicians and political causes for as much as $45,000 a pop instead of raising most of her campaign funds from individuals and political action committees.
Maxine Waters is on the “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list, but in a totally assinine move, the Democrats named her to be their top representative on the Financial Services Committee. The more you know about Maxine, the more insane this becomes. Her history is worse than many realize and is more shameful than her frequent blunders on live television that she’s becoming known for.
People may not know about her other international “issues.” She has made worldwide headlines for her frequent trips to communist Cuba to visit her convicted cop-assassin friend, Joanne Chesimard, who is also known by her Black Panther name of Assata Shakur. Chesimard was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted by a jury of the 1979 murder of a New Jersey State Trooper. With the help of fellow cult members, she escaped from jail and fled to Cuba.
That’s the company Maxine Waters keeps, so tell me, how can this woman still be in Congress? Hopefully, her constituents are waking up and the GOP challenger Omar Navarro will trounce her in 2018. Until then, we are stuck with her unethical big mouth. She truly is a swamp creature, circling the drain.