Melania Drops Everything In Middle Of 4th Of July Celebration When She Sees Who’s In The Crowd
Yesterday was a monumental day for a number of reasons since after eight years of destruction, Americans had more to celebrate on our country’s Independence Day. The White House went above and beyond to commemorate this day which was attended by a sea of people there to hear our president praise the brave men and women who fight or have fought for our freedom. Melania stood at her husband’s side through this moving speech and with all that she had going on as First Lady that day, dropped it all when she spotted who was in the crowd.
Melania doesn’t speak often unless she has something meaningful or important to say. She saves her words for when they matter most, especially since the liberal media is waiting with baited breath for a chance to twist anything she says or does. Yesterday, she said something that won’t soon be forgotten, especially by those who her remarks were directed at when she saw who showed up. That didn’t stop the liberals from immediately going on the attack as soon as she let the words out.
While she’s not nearly as active on social media has her husband, Melania does take the time on occasion to send a message out to the masses and this one really caught a lot of people by surprise. This year’s Fourth of July was marked by giving long overdue recognition to the lifeblood of our nation — those who serve our country. President Trump made a moving speech to military families, who were the special guests of honor at the White House and the sentiment wasn’t lost on Melania who wanted to show her appreciation for the sacrifice yesterday as well.
Speaking directly to these heroes and their families both in attendance yesterday at the People’s House and those currently serving our country, she sent out a tweet which didn’t go unpunished by the incensed left.
Taking time out of her busy day of fourth of July festivities, Melania tweeted: “#HappyIndependenceDay We are the land of the free because of the brave. Thank you to the heroes who serve!” While recognizing our nation’s heroes on Independence day is a wonderful gesture, liberals pounced on the post finding fault in a way that only they could.
The onslaught of attack by her and President Trump’s detractors took a turn for the worse when liberals decided to bring up Trump having never served in the military, even though Barack Obama didn’t either. Liberals love to claim that Trump dodged the draft, confusing the difference between dodging and not serving. By their logic, every one of them who haven’t served are draft-dodgers, which is a ridiculous claim to make.
Although not a single thing in her tweet said that Trump served or included her husband in any way, idiots online seemed to be really confused in a desperate attempt to attack the president and first lady. “@FLOTUS Unlike your orange DraftDodgerInChief husband! But yes, thanks to our TRUE patriots who served!!! #LoveOurVets,” and ignorant person online said in response to her sweet tweet. “@FLOTUS Your husband isn’t one of them. Just saying,” another disgusting individual remarked, as if our first lady can’t show her sincere appreciation unless her husband served. Carrying on with that same vicious sentiment somone else chimed in saying: “@FLOTUS Funny how your hubby managed to not serve our country.”
Liberals came out as they always do as soon as FLOTUS posts anything since they are waiting for it. However, what’s truly remarkable is that Melania is an immigrant and has more respect for our armed forces and genuine love for our country than ungrateful degenerates who were born here and seem to hate it. Our First Lady is proof that immigrants who come to America the right way are proud citizens who have a deep appreciation for what makes America great, and that starts with our military.
It wasn’t often or ever that the Obamas showed this kind of gratitude for anyone who served them personally and our country. In fact, our former president couldn’t even bring himself to salute soldiers standing outside Air Force One or Marine One to welcome him. We’ve come a long way in the White House in a short time, with the Trumps there now who truly love this country and respect its citizens.