Melania Takes Seat At G 20 Dinner And Is SHOCKED To See Who Sat Right Next To Her That Wasn’t Trump

Melania Takes Seat At G-20 Dinner And Is SHOCKED To See Who Sat Right Next To Her That Wasn’t Trump

The G-20 Summit is coming to an end after a hard working week. President Trump, President Vladimir Putin, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and new French President Emmanuel Macron were among the most prominent world leaders who attended. First Lady Melania Trump turned heads when she sat down next to President Vladimir Putin at a banquet on Friday in Hamburg, Germany.

The First Lady speaks several languages one of which is German which the Russian President speaks. They were strategically placed next to each other because they could communicate with one another. The dinner went well as you could see them laughing and smiling with one another.
President Trump sat next to Juliana Awada away from his wife who was next to Putin. Awada is the wife of Argentina’s president who attended the summit. Those across from the table from President Trump included Chinese President Xi Jinping and Brigitte Macron who is the wife of the French president.

Writer Nikki Schwartz from the Daily Mail said,

“With the day’s business out of the way, the leaders enjoyed a concert and then a Friday night dinner, in which couples were split up and not seated with their spouses. That’s how Melania Trump ended up next to Putin. The first lady, who grew up in Slovenia, then a part of Yugoslavia, knows several languages including German, which the Russian president also speaks.

The dinner took place after German Chancellor Angela Merkel treated her G20 guests to Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony hoping to spread her vision with ‘a hymn to humanity, peace and international understanding’.

Questions had been raised about how realistic a vision that is with Putin, Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Trump all on hand.
The last portion of the symphony is the EU’s official anthem.

There were concerns before the performance that Trump might dip out of the show, performed at Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie, given the American president’s feeling towards symphonies.

Trump wrote in his 2004 book ‘How to Get Rich’ that he knows little about classical music, preferring instead the likes of Frank Sinatra, the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith.”

Prior to the banquet Putin and Trump had met face to face to discuss relations between our countries and issues such as arms deals, NATO, and Ukraine. They spoke one on one for over two hours in a private room. During this conversation, Trump brought up the Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election. However, Putin flat out denied it.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson commented on the exchange saying the following,

“They had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject. The president pressed President Putin on more than one occasion regarding Russian involvement. President Putin denied such involvement, as I think he has in the past.”

During the conversation, President Trump and President Putin struck a deal and make an agreement for a ceasefire in Syria where Civil War has broken out. It was specifically in the region of southwest Syria. This will be the first U.S.-Russian pact under the Trump administration to aid in quelling the six-year civil war. It will take effect on Sunday, a speech reported by Jordanian government officials and U.S. officials.
The Telegraph reported the following about the exchange between the two leaders,

“The President’s wife Melania has also been called upon by the US delegation, after it emerged she was sent in to Mr Trump’s lengthy one-on-one meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to try to wind up their conversation.

Mr Trump spent 2hrs 16mins with President Putin on Friday, and Rex Tillerson, the US Secretary of State, disclosed that presidential aides became exasperated that the President was allowing it to overrun for so long. Slots of 30 minutes are usually allotted for each bilateral meeting.”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson even admitted this about the First Lady