Melania’s Attacked By Rabid Trump-Haters, FLOTUS Shames Them With Nasty Surprise
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First Lady Melania Trump is sick and tired of the rabid Trump haters in the media. In fact, our beloved first lady has been under an intense attack by those haters ever since she had kidney surgery. So much so that Mrs. Trump really went rogue and shamed the leftist media with a nasty surprise. You’ll love this.
Ever since Donald Trump rode down the escalator at Trump Tower to run for president back in June 2015, his wife Melania Trump has been a supportive spouse, but she wasn’t interested in becoming part of a political machine. Melania’s style as the first lady is compared most to Jackie Kennedy.
Classy, demure, and traditional best describes how Melania has been defined in her role as FLOTUS. Yet, even though she is not loud or an attention seeking politico, like Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton, the Trump hating media refuses to give her a break.
Since most of us don’t pay attention to the mainstream media, also known as fake news, we have no clue as to what these monsters are writing and saying about Melania, but she knows. It’s part of her staff’s job to monitor the press, and sadly they have been extremely brutal to Melania lately.
Politico is one of the Trump hating media outlets spreading crazy rumors about our first lady. They report,” [Melania’s] left the White House and moved back to New York City. She’s cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller. She’s holed up with the Obamas, working on a tell-all book about her husband — unless she had a secret nip and tuck, in which case she’s just healing.”
They add, “During the two weeks since Melania Trump returned to the White House following what was described as a relatively minor surgery — a period during which she has been absent from ceremonial events like a Memorial Day wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery — conspiracy theories have flooded in to fill the void of information about the first lady’s health, and whereabouts.”
This Politico piece shows best what those rabid Trump haters have been screaming about on CNN, MSNBC, and in most leftist news sources. They are creating fake news and attacking her relentlessly, and it’s out of control.
CNN weighed in devoting an entire 1,000-word article to tell us they haven’t seen Melania in 20 days. Well, she was in the freaking hospital for a week, I’m thinking she’s recuperating. Is she an elected official? Do we need to know her every move on a daily basis? This is ridiculous.
We understand they are going to attack the president and lie about the president every chance they get. We don’t like it, but he is fair game. But Melania Trump should be off-limits for these type of fake news attacks. She isn’t a seasoned politician who is going on the offensive making arguments on primetime TV. It boggles the mind how sick these rabid haters truly are, and finally, Melania got sick of them too.
In a somewhat shocking move, the first lady sent out a tweet addressing the fake news. She tweeted, “I see the media is working overtime speculating where I am & what I’m doing. Rest assured, I’m here at the @WhiteHouse w my family, feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the American people!”
In other words, Melania is saying, “Yo, you idiots in the fake news. Knock it off. I’m in the White House doing my job. Why don’t you do your job? Stop lying about me. Now go away.” This is new for Melania who has never addressed the fake news nutjobs head on. So good for her, and as always she keeps it classy.
Melania’s tweet triggered the snowflakes. It got so bad, even one of Hillary Clinton’s advisors from her failed presidential campaign attacked the first lady directly on Twitter. Big bully Adam Parkhomenko responded to Melania, tweeting, “working overtime huh,” attaching a screenshot of Trump’s tweets. This dude has Trump Derangement Syndrome, he also proves leftist snowflake men are just big crying babies:Melania Trump has a right to her privacy. We know she had a procedure, a type of surgery, which included treating a benign tumor on her kidney. The first lady had to stay in the hospital for over a week, so she is still healing, and taking a break from the public eye. She is not an elected official, so these gossip-mongers have no right to insinuate she’s doing anything wrong. They are so obsessed.
They need to get over it already. They lost the election, and bullying Melania may make them feel better for a time, but it won’t change the fact that Donald Trump is the president and their horrible candidate, Hillary Clinton, got her butt kicked. Instead of bullying Melania to make themselves feel better, I suggest they go find a safe space where they can scream and cry it out, once and for all.