Michael Bloomberg: We Must ‘Get Behind’ ‘Our President’ Trump—‘The Public Has Spoken’

Michael Bloomberg: We Must ‘Get Behind’ ‘Our President’ Trump—‘The Public Has Spoken’

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg believes Americans must “get behind” President Donald Trump because “he’s our president” and “the public has spoken.”
Appearing on Wednesday’s episode of The View on ABC, Bloomberg said that though he did not vote for Trump, he does not want Democrats to be obstructionists just to hurt Trump politically. Bloomberg said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made a mistake when he said “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”

He said the difference between other countries and America is that “in other countries, they try to tear down the government. They try to have a revolution.”

“You can protest. You can elect other officials. You can write letters. You make phone calls. You can carry signs. You can do all that,” Bloomberg said. “But in the end, we’re a democracy. The public has spoken—whether you like the results or not.”

Bloomberg added that, “You have to make it work. We have an election. Whoever wins, you got to get behind, and you can run against someone else.” He also joked that Trump got elected with “a little help from the Russians.”
Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in a primetime speech, saying he was doing so because he thought Trump was a “dangerous demagogue.” Bloomberg said during his convention speech that Trump “would do great damage to our economy” and “erode our influence in the world.”

“The bottom line is: Trump is a risky, reckless, and radical choice,” he said then. “And we can’t afford to make that choice!”

On Wednesday, Bloomberg said that Trump is “our president and we need the country to be run well.” But he did add, “I didn’t vote for him.”

“Let’s just all hope that Donald Trump is a good president of the United States,” he said.

Bloomberg, who said that Trump has a 55% chance to be re-elected, spent much of the interview trying to appeal to everyone with various uninspiring platitudes as he is accustomed to doing. And when co-host Jedediah Bila asked him if he was thinking about running for president, he said the only “presidency I’m thinking about is my block association.” Commenting on Republican Karen Handel’s victory Tuesday night in Georgia’s sixth congressional district over Democrat Jon Ossoff, Bloomberg, without any sense of irony, said that the election showed that “all the money in the world can’t buy an election” because “the public is a lot smarter than people give them credit for.”