30 thoughts on “Michael Cremo T.V Interviews Part 1 of 8”

  1. maybe yes, maybe no, maybe go f-k yourself…-marky mark in “departed”

  2. here me out here. i am relatively young but i cant get enough of this stuff, i think people are waking up mow….no more supression yessa

  3. Cremo is interesting and you are right. Priests, and those like priests were put in place to hide truths and give them power. Humans have vast potential, but religion has put everyone in the dark ages… Believing GOD is separate from you gives plenty of power to the holders.

    Archeology is the same. We know much more exists but the MFs with the money and funding power are the ********* of the planet.


  4. Cremo was in Nashville a few months ago (Summer 2008)- Google:
    MYSTERY US! #7 Tony Pratt interviews Michael Cremo – 28:03 – Nov 8, 2008

  5. Actual archeologist are like the priest in the dark ages. In that time spoke against the bible was heresy and the new thinkers were called heretics. If you disagree with their view they just look for crazy explanations to fit their wacko world. For example the black pharaons. Archeologist denied dark pharaons at all. But now in a National Geografic report they show true evidence about them. The problem are the archeologyst. Physicist and specially cuantic physist are cool!!!

  6. Great intro,Visit the Bocksaga channel, and welcome to the oldest mythology on the planet.
    Pa-ra-dis-et is here.

  7. Indeed. Scientists in the past 2 decades are realizing that everything is energy. Matter as we know it is also energy. Einstein proved that the 2 are interconvertible.
    What scientists do not know is that there is a subtler force that energy and that is “spirit” or “pure consciousness” out of which everything has evolved.

  8. total rubbish. it is ignored because you should save your breath for cooling your porridge.

  9. Most scientists are completely in the dark. All their conclusions are based on the idea that MATTER is everything, that it is solid and that time actually exists in the way that we perceive it. None of that is true. We are spirit, assemblage points of awareness, pure consciousness, which has no real form. We are beyond concepts. We are a total mystery and we are born of one source.

  10. just be careful of how close your nose gets to the tube… it can get pretty addictive. What is most important, is to think independently, and don’t agree with everything you hear. Its no different than listening to everything on the news without questioning. the path to mental slavery can only be undone by yourself. Only then will you wake up.


  11. Indeed… We ARE waking up!!!

    I’ve been glued to YouTube for 3 straight weeks, couldn’t have enough about 911 truth, CIA drug cartel, all the assassinations, Federal Reserve private bank, Illuminati, NWO, suppressed alien contacts….

    My God, I am being freed. From mental slavery! From my own mental prison!

  12. can someone that knows more about all of this answer please. it says that we existed billion of years ago correct? how did we survive then if there were more powerful hunters than us, in size and speed and what not? im not basing my doubts on religion at all but its kind of wierd that we were able to survive if this is true a time period where the predators were huge and could outrun us, now not only the huge t rex but also the smaller ones. its just very doubtfull for those reasons

  13. there is, definitly! Our stupid and wastefull anti-progress is stripping the earth bare and there isn’t much time left, we need to huddle into contained cities with no fossil fuel emmisions and work together in a form of communism, it’s the only way the earth and humanity can survive

  14. All members of the scientific community are not a part of a cover up no,but key elements are.Science is influenced by the oil,gas & military complex.

  15. This was filmed in 1994? Did they purposefully degrade the video and sound quality and make it B/W to appear older than it seems?

  16. Wow, do you have the same amount of confidence and trust in the politicians aswell. In that case you would make a great puppet.

  17. Revelations prophecies that we will see the fall of the Catholic church probably in our life time.

  18. we are all controlled puppets…dont think so? you are very very naive….!!

  19. You’re so right! Unfortunately the only way for us to enter the secret archives of that library is for the Vatican authorities to be jailed for their multiple crimes. Then the “Holy See” will belong to all citizens of the world. It’ll take a while, but it’ll happen.

  20. Peace!
    I understand that the Vatican Library is absolutely vast and that’s where the “treasures” are stored!
    I have come to the conclusion that most of what most people think they know, is infact merely disinformation….so we have a lot of real research to do to catch up, if that’s possible….? May we join that library?

  21. I feel I will comment much on this one.
    1) an entire establishment such as the scientific establishment would NEVER hide such evidence as anybody in their rite mind would ALMOST kill to prove such things true. Extraordinary beliefs require extraordinary evidence though.

    2) There is no such thing as scientific “heresy/heretics”. Only psuedo(fake)science and empirical science.

    3) The man says he heard from the “spokesperson” of the scientific community. Such a “spokesperson” does not exist!

  22. yes i think it was a coverup… i worked for nasa 20 years ago..and no info at all coming out of that bs organization….they store their info and let it rot…it is a mess

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