11 thoughts on “Micheal Cremo T.V interviews Part 4 of 8”

  1. Atheism born from collective of peons/fools, work to kill spirit, replaced spiritual practices w/religious “orders”. Push indifference/strife, push immoral living on speirualy weakened souls, triumph ego/materialism while debasing all the essentials 4 spirit. 2day they run fiat economy. we must stop the sacrifice/worship of them w/our time/spirit/riches via ent./sports/Vegas/religion/fiat$/worthless products. They’re all slave to lies. Go back to spirit wealth friends/family/good intent-action.

  2. me and my dad saw one ufo together too… Those machines are up there…what ever they are.

  3. there will always be a bunch of goons who dont dare to question things hiding behind the typical “where’s my evidence” phrase. Most of these guys ironically turn out to be the worse and stupidest and doing the actual discernments themselves

  4. Lardude – don’t spew unverified nonsense. Maybe you can learn from Cremo and actually cite scholarly references for your claims. There’s another whole book called “Impact of Forbidden Archeology” that deals with the reactions to their book. Today, although controversial, his book is well regarded among the scientific community.

  5. the Michael Cremo book forbidden archaeology has been completely debunked and shown to be hindu creationist propoganda.

  6. how have so few seen this.
    my stupid videos have been seen more, there fore people = stupid.
    sad sad sad
    thank you for posting this,

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