20 thoughts on “Micheal Cremo T.V interviews Part 8 of 8”

  1. Perhaps, to some extent it isn’t even important to whose facts is right or wrong, it is how we humans REACT.

    What happen to Copernicus? What happen to people who thought otherwise from mainstream of all times, whether with proof of not?!

    Let’s be calm … is it so important to jump into conflict of being who’s right or wrong?!

    Importance is: what is humanity to you and me? The true being of seeking the truth, the purpose of evolving as better beings for ouselves and our future children.

  2. “”Thats not what evolution says dude!””

    Yeah.. not *****. That’s what the entire point of this video is. He is saying theory of evolution has no proof and is baseless and that we are much much older than previously thought.

    Go back and rewatch all 8 parts or read Cremo’s book Hidden History of the Human race.

  3. Volunteers W-A-N-T-E-D!! LET’S CRUSH This New World Order.

    Join funzulu . com today 100% FREE, we have 375 mind blowing videos, A 30 STEP METHODICAL plan TO defeat the N.W.O., together we will overcome, if we continue to fight each other and disagree they won, we lost!! you chose!! v-o-l-u-n-t-e-e-r-s w-a-n-t-e-d N-O-W!! the word has to get out!! you watch the first 5-6 videos and you’ll feel compelled to help get the word out, WE GUARANTEE IT!! Click on “Get Smart Tab” top middle

  4. the Michael Cremo book forbidden archaeology has been completely debunked and shown to be hindu creationist propoganda.

  5. If we are cousins to apes, what is our direct non-human ancestors?

    Apparently, your mind is not very scientific, so you had to make the user name to make up for the lack of genius in you.

    Why don’t you take Critical Thinking 101 before you continue with science?

  6. History is written by the winners, and maintained by and for the powerful. Very interesting individual, is Micheal A. Cremo!

  7. To all people here, i have this to say. I come from a spiritual tradition that believes man lives in 3 levels: physical, mental and spiritual. He works with his body, thinks with his mind (and intellect) and does some wonderfully creative things and gets inspirational ideas when he contacts his spirit (during moments of calm introspection or meditation).
    Darwin was only looking at the physical aspect. He did not have tools that modern archeologists have, certainly not the kind of data.

  8. Read Human Devolution bud, or, go check out the Documentary “expelled”..

  9. What the hell? We never evolved from monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats not what evolution says dude! We are cousins of apes!!! Not their descendents! educate yourself, because apparantly this psycho/fanatic isn’t.

  10. Yes winners but not for much longer. Since they are very few in numbers, they are also becoming very insecure and now that they have all the resources and money control, they would like to enslaves us via the NWO! They cannot and will not succeed. The Creator plans for this planet is to live in harmony and abundance foll ALL.

  11. that caller at the end missed some big points, Michael never talks about the garden of eden yet this guy thinks he is some crazy 6 day creationist. Look at the ******** evidence dumb *****. Hard evidence for the garden of eden. give me hard evidence for what Darwin had to say he did not have any.

  12. Knowledge is power – misdirection helps to preserve power. Darwinism is statistically ridiculous. Einstein is too! A good book titled the “Gravitational Force of the Sun” points out with tons of references by noted physicists and mathematicians how much relativity is fantasy. The Illuminati are constantly misdirecting education and science for their management goals.

  13. Scientists don’t cheat, It’s a myth

    Darwin’s magic wand, “Evolution” – IT’s a fairy tale

  14. Thank you so much for posting these videos. Mr. Cremo is well-spoken and scholarly at the same time as well as being gentle in his criticism of his opponents.

  15. I like how the christians think Cremo is arguing there point of view. Inteligent design don’t have ***** to do with the “old father in the sky” myth…***** it probably works hand in hand with evolution. Also cremo is not arguing against evolution at all, just Darwinism and it’s screwed up timelines. systems evolve…we all have evolved our ability to travel from hawaii to california in the last 100 years for instance. many things evolve. just not men from apes. great post.

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