Mike Heiser Genesis 6 hybrids, Sons of God, Nephilim 1 of 9

in the ancient Jewish traditions? 6.) Did ancient people believe in hybridized offspring? Did the take Gen 6 literally? 7.) Does the word Nephilim mean Giants? Heiser also spends some time on the debunking of Zechariah Sitchin and Sir Lawrence Gardner. One of Dr. Heisers website is sitchiniswrong.com his main site is http many thanks to Guy Malone alienstranger.com for his permission to use this movie. … Michael heiser ufo bible nephilim sons of god annunaki sitchin ancient days conference …

16 thoughts on “Mike Heiser Genesis 6 hybrids, Sons of God, Nephilim 1 of 9”

  1. your strange Igor.
    I cant think why your playing dumb here.
    you know very well his argument regarding the divine council and elohim. we have been over it privatley. despite your arrogant claims you have yet to show where he is wrong. you simply claim he is over and over.

    the fact that you would insinuate here that he has no argument for that verse is a very ridiculous, you know EXACTLY what it is.

    are you hoping to get some kids to think that he has no explanation for it. whats you motivation?

  2. im confused,the gnostic view was shared by most of the early christians,when the church was created it was banned,i assume to keep truth away,its funny their is no mention of the fact that israel uses a pagan symbol on thier flag today,a hexagram,gods chosen,sounds like a power grab to me,just like the early church,tainted from the start,even jesus said u wiil see sighns of my return in the stars

  3. at 2:50 he looks like hes got reptilian eyes! LOL thats crazy, but its just the reflection off his glasses.

  4. Sons of the Most High are those who come from the chosen line who were later called Israelites. And as always, they pissed off the Most High by having sex with other nations.
    Psalms 82 6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
    7: But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
    8: Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

  5. I am very grateful for Mike Heiser’s work. I just finished reading his novel, “The Facade.” I couldn’t put the book down until I had finished it. It was important for me to start replacing the mythologies that had made their way into my conscious and subconscious mind through Hollywood and the media with a story that was based on fact and true scholarship. Thank you for that.

  6. i feel more stupid for watching this. I had to lower my IQ down to their level to see it from their perspective… and it was still stupid. How does he have a job, let alone a phD

  7. This guy needs to give an overview of what he believes actually happened in ancient times before he starts getting into all the technical stuff. It’s hard to watch this when u don’t even know the point he’s trying to make.

  8. Heiser is awesome I first heard him on Coast to Coast AM and he totally debunked the work of Sitchin. It was a great episode I think I still have it on tape.

  9. Heiser completely fails to explain why in Torah it stated: Let US (ELOHIM, plural) make man in OUR RESEMBLANCE, after OUR SHAPE (correct translation). If all Elohim and Bene-Elohim were “spiritual”, than spirit form does not have “human” shape and resemblance as we are. Absurd of Mike’s thinking. Also Adam means adama, human race, not one person (every Rabbi knows that). I really did not know that his arguments so week in front of live audience. Wow! And Chris, thanks for posting this footage.

  10. i’ve had this same opinion myself for 15yrs, take the stereo type E.T of suppossed area51 and cross it with a silver back Gorilla, would u get a Neanderthal? then cross the latter with the stereo type E.T again would u get the Homosapian? what do the Annanukia described by the early Summerians look like? who was king anu of babylon (Iraq) 6000bc? lol

  11. I like this guy he points out many flaws in other peoples research. And yet no one can say the same about him. many highly respected experts agree with this man. Do your own research and use the power of disernment. Learn sumerian its not a difficult language. It has many similarities with hungarian.

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  13. pretty freaky! I couldn’t even concentrate on what he was saying cuz of his eyes!

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