Mike Heiser Genesis 6 hybrids, Sons of God, Nephilim 2 of 9

? 6.) Did ancient people believe in hybridized offspring? Did the take Gen 6 literally? 7.) Does the word Nephilim mean Giants? Heiser also spends some time on the debunking of Zechariah Sitchin and Sir Lawrence Gardner. One of Dr. Heiser’s website is sitchiniswrong.com his main site is http many thanks to Guy Malone alienstranger.com for his permission to use this movie. … nephilim annunaki elohim el heiser sons of god genesis six mike lawrence gardner ancientofdays aliens grey abduction …

6 thoughts on “Mike Heiser Genesis 6 hybrids, Sons of God, Nephilim 2 of 9”

  1. i love it when some one say’s the bible is man made or its not real because it shows they do not do there own research. so heres a start for ya JOSEPHUS

  2. Dr. Heiser really knows his material like no other i’ve seen… He should be getting more credit for his work.

    Just look how many flock to people like Zecharia Sitchin, because he claims to be a scholar, yet clearly isn’t, when you look into his work…

    I hope you all go check out Dr. Heisers website, because if you really want to understand your Bible, he has some great study material there for you.

  3. Note: In Zechariah chapter 5 the 2 women like being with wings like storks” called wicked , UFO

  4. It’s about time! Great video. Dr. Heiser’s scholarly work is outstanding. He presents strong and persuasive claims countering those of Sitchin. Good job! to the poster.

  5. this guys sound like a realy smart dude but anyone can buy a Strongs Concordance or better yet a bible software study tool for your PC. then walk around a room and sound like your a snoby Mr. Spock from star trek .

    i am greatfull to people like this but he does sound a little cold. for going into a bible and studying it.

    this basicly how we christians study all the time ^^

  6. In the book of Enoch it clearly list all the animals the watchers sinned against. The sins were the eating and drinking the blood of the animals. It was not any dinosaurs.

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