Military Sniper Launches Full Assault On Cowardly Obama
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President Trump has conducted and managed his administration with strength and power. While President Obama’s administration was weak and subservient. The American people notice which is exactly why the public loves President Trump more than they love President Obama. Even military officials are taking notice. One former military sniper, in particular, took a shot at President Obama over recent events going on in regards to national security.
Former special operations sniper Nicholas Irving defended President Trump regarding his recent military strategy. Irving served six tours in Afghanistan and Iraq between the years of 2005 and 2010. As a soldier, he k****d 33 enemy combatants which is more than any of the other Third Ranger Regiment. No one has come close to what he has done. Irving was quick to point out that under the Obama administration that the snipers and soldiers lost one important variable that they have now that makes them successful.
The Western Journal reported,
“Asked during a Fox News Channel interview how he views President Donald Trump’s general military leadership compared to prior presidents, Irving said troops can once again count on the element of surprise. He described Trump’s approach as “tougher” and one that is “actually striking fear into the enemy.” In Irving’s opinion, “having that fear in the enemy is one of the first things that the enemy wants to back down from a fight from.”
As a candidate and after his inauguration, Trump has frequently admonished other administrations for announcing planned military operations, something he vowed not to do. “I don’t talk about military response,” the president said in February 2017, according to CNS News. “I don’t say I’m going into Mosul in four months — we’re going to attack Mosul in four months. Then three months later, we’re going to attack Mosul in one month. Next week, we are going to attack Mosul. Meantime, Mosul’s very, very difficult. You know why? Because I don’t talk about military, and I don’t talk about certain other things.”Trump’s vague responses to military matters have made some in the U.S. uneasy. But more importantly, Irving claimed, those indecipherable messages put America’s enemies on edge. “We didn’t really get that from prior presidents,” he said. Former President Barack Obama attracted criticism from Trump and others for discussing more openly the military’s plans for dealing with certain national security threats. According to Irving, that approach presented unnecessary hurdles to the specialized mission he and others in special operations were deployed to complete.”
This policy is something that President Trump has said he wanted to maintain since the very beginning. In 2016 when the presidential election was going on, both primary and general, and he was being asked what he would do in certain critical countries he refused to answer. Some on the opposition argued it was his way of copping out of answering because he did not have the answer. But the then candidate Donald Trump said he would not make public what he would do because he did not want the enemy to know what he was planning on doing. Seems pretty simple and makes a lot of sense and it is exactly the same thing that Irving is stressing.
Irving has been an outspoken individual who has expressed conservative values in the past on the news outlets that he has appeared on. The Daily Caller, Fox News, and the Patriot Report have all interviewed and spoke with him at one point or another regarding various issues. Indicating he is a sought after individual within the media world.
When the National Football League was dealing with the controversy surrounding football players who kneel during the national anthem Irving came out and said he did not agree with kneeling during the national anthem. Something he likely feels very strongly about as a veteran of the military and a former soldier who is highly credentialed. Nobody, especially a soldier, likes it when the flag of America is spit on by people who he has fought to give the right to live as they want and choose to.
However, the mainstream liberal media is not reporting on this and does not interview Irving. It is very clear after his most recent interview why. Because he is an African American conservative man who has expressed support for President Trump’s actions and administration. The Democratic party and the liberal media they dominate want to be able to maintain the tight grip they hold on the votes of minority demographics. If they cannot they will lose the election