Moon Artifact : Datas Head

Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission appeared live-in-studio to reveal a startling Moon ‘artifact’ photo. Calling the artifact, found in Shorty crater, ‘Data’s Head,’ (a color enhanced image is pictured left) he said it was taken on the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. He believes what we are looking at is a robot head, similar in appearance to C3PO from the Star Wars film. Wikipedia Hoagland rejects the entire body of knowledge represented by professional selenology and asserts that there are large semitransparent structures constructed of glass on the lunar surface, visible in some Apollo photography when the images are digitally manipulated, and even more so when old photoprints are re-scanned on amateur equipment in non-clean conditions. He goes on to say that NASA is suppressing knowledge of an ancient civilization on the Moon, and that the advanced technology of this civilization is lying around on the Moon’s surface. He alleged in Dark Mission that the twelve Apollo moonwalkers, who would be well qualified to confirm the existence of lunar artifacts and glass structures, have had their memories selectively edited with hypnosis so that they no longer remember seeing evidence of a lunar civilization. He has stated that a feature in an image of the lunar surface, mistakenly believed by professional planetary scientists to be a rock, is actually the severed head of a robot, and that “someone with an obvious ‘in'” to JPL was the true originator of the Apollo