Moon Landing Conspiracy, Why No One Has EVER Landed on the Moon

We get inside one of the oldest conspiracy theories in the book the ongoing suspicion that NASA never actually landed a man on the moon in 1969, and that the entire Apollo programme was a hoax from start to finish. Marcus Allen, UK publisher of Nexus Magazine, has researched the story extensively, and here highlights some of the many anomalies and discrepancies with NASA’s claim, involving photographic quirks, problems with radiation and extreme heat, and the strange and elusive behaviour of the astronauts on their ‘return’ to Earth.

The greatest scientific achievement of this, or maybe any other century, had been accomplished; and the astronauts had ‘gone in peace for all mankind.’ The whole world acknowledged and applauded the bravery of those men, the scale of their project and the thrill of being included in each step of their mission. Because we saw the photographs, watched the films and videos, listened to the interviews, read the books, we knew it happened just the way we had been told.

No! It probably did not happen that way at all.