Muslims Across America Just Got The WORST News Of Their Lives Moments After Michigan Terror Attack T

Muslims Across America Just Got The WORST News Of Their Lives Moments After Michigan Terror Attack Today

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Earlier today, travel came to a complete halt after there was a harrowing attack that took place inside Bishop International Airport, in Flint, Michigan. As we all know, Michigan is a hot bed for Muslims as they have taken over the nearby city, of, Dearborn. It did not take long for the country to discover that a radical Muslim was at the center of this horrific attack. Now, just hours after the terror attack, Muslims around the country just received some bad news.

Authorities in Michigan are still piecing together the tragic events that led up to today’s terror attack. But, what we do know is that a radical Muslim armed with a knife stabbed Lieutenant Jeff Neville in the neck. During the time of the attack, witnesses said that they heard the deranged Muslim shout “Allahu Akbar”. Neville was rushed to a nearby hospital fighting for his life and has been listed in critical condition.

“The officer, identified as Lt. Jeff Neville, is in critical condition after being stabbed in the neck at Bishop International airport,” Breaking 911 reported. “The Canadian-born suspect was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ during the attack, witnesses said. The unnamed male suspect was taken into custody alive.”
Michigan has been infiltrated by Muslims thanks to Barack Obama’s refugee program. These programs brought in thousands of unvetted, radical Muslims that are hell bent on destroying the western world. That is why it has been incredibly important for our country to tighten our borders so that these vermin cannot continue to pour in. Which is exactly why Donald Trump was elected as president. The bleeding heart liberals in America continue to push back against Trump with their protests and silly “resist” campaigns. They have tried to demonize conservatives calling them racists and bigots for wanting to protect our borders, but none of it is working.

It has not been an easy road for President Trump over the past few months, but that has not stopped him from pushing forward. Now a recent poll shows that President Trump has gained popularity in one specific area that has Muslims and liberals screeching.

According to CNBC’s quarterly “All American Survey”, President Trump is gaining ground in halting immigration from specific Middle Eastern and African countries. Public support for President Trump’s controversial travel ban actually rose one point. 44 percent of Americans polled now say they strongly or somewhat support the ban. Now, some may say that is not a big deal but in all reality it actually is. You see, those who have been opposing the ban also fell slightly from 50 percent to 49 percent. Plus, the respondents who said they “strongly oppose” the plan saw a steeper decline, to 32 percent from 36 percent.