MUST WATCH! The TRUTH About The Shooting Of Congressman Scalise.

MUST WATCH! The TRUTH About The Shooting Of Congressman Scalise.
Today America woke up to a horrific and shameful act of violence. There are simply no words.

James Hodgkinson, a supporter and volunteer of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, made his way to a Virginia baseball field, sprayed a hail of bullets at a GOP baseball practice Wednesday morning, critically wounding House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and injuring five others before U.S. Capitol Police took down the rifle-wielding assailant
The deranged gunman asked, “Are these Republicans or Democrats” before opening fire.

Democrats were also practicing at a nearby field, but reports indicate the gunman was there to shoot “as many Republicans as possible.” (VIDEO BELOW)

This is clear evidence of violence stirred by extreme liberal lefties, biased mainstream media, and those in office who call to resist. The hysterical anti-Trump media has blood on its hands.

Take Loretta Lynch for example, who called for inciting violence publicly, encouraging people to “march, bleed and die,” resisting President Trump. She is one at large to blame for this shooting. Words do matter!