Our so called government has admitted to carrying out the murder of thousands of people in covert false flag operations. They are the number one suspect. [[Cover-Up? FBI Theater Attack Warning Memory-Holed]] www.youtube.com Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged – by Mike Adams www.infowars.com Alex Jones analyzes the timing and typical earmarks of events used for greater societal controls. ‘Dark Knight’ Shooting To Be Exploited For Political Grist www.infowars.com/dark-knight-shooting-to-be-exploited-for-political-grist/ Coming Next — TSA At The Movie Theater? www.infowars.com Death-Obsessed Culture, Not Gun Rights, To Blame For ‘Batman’ Shooting www.infowars.com The Dark Knight Rises: Was Shooter Channeling ‘Bane’? www.infowars.com Something to Keep in Mind as Hysterical Gun-grabbers Attack the Second Amendment www.infowars.com Second Amendment Foe Bloomberg Exploits Colorado Shooting www.infowars.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ planet.infowars.com