New U S Product Is Helping Muslim Women Hide Terrorism In Plain Sight – Here’s What To Look For

New U.S. Product Is Helping Muslim Women Hide Terrorism In Plain Sight – Here’s What To Look For

Sixteen years ago the United States vowed vengeance for our brothers and sisters who died in the most horrific terrorist attacks to ever happen on American soil. In the beginning, we were a nation united against one enemy, and there was much progress made. Over time though, there was a slow push to accept the liberal propaganda campaign that the religion that motivated those horrible attacks wasn’t really all that bad. Maybe those people aren’t as awful as we thought, and maybe we were wrong to think they ever were.

America has regressed to the point that companies are actually working with Muslims to make the practicing of Islam easier for them. Remember guys, this is the religion that says you and I (and everyone that doesn’t believe like them) deserve death. I know there’s a nasty rumor circulating that there’s a touchy-feely version of their faith that doesn’t require them to blow us to bits, but if there are people who call themselves Muslims who don’t follow all the required teachings, they also deserve death according to their holy book.

The most recent display of this apathy toward those who’ve died at the hands of this bloody religion is done by Orly. They’ve worked with a blog called “Muslim girl” to make a “halal approved” nail polish that those who practice Islam can wear while they pray.
I love how they specify that “anyone can wear them” like we need permission to do something that Muslims do in our country. Oh really, infidels will be allowed to use the same products that you use? That’s so nice of you to allow someone so dirty and nasty to do what you’re doing. Isn’t it really more accurate that you’re copying what we have been doing for a while now, but your craziness won’t allow? I think that’s the case.
I’m going to share with you a completely straight-faced article by Glamour talking about this company who has gone totally to the other side and is working with Muslims to make them feel more at home with their hatred here:
“These days, nail polish comes in more shapes and forms than you can count on one hand: There’s dip powder, gel, acrylic, chrome, antioxidant-infused, vegan, harsh-chemical-free, the list goes on. The one option that’s been largely lacking? A polish safe for Muslim prayer, keeping Muslim women who abide by halal guidelines from getting into the nail game. But as of today, that’s about to change: Orly’s new collaboration with passes prayer standards with flying colors. They’ve dubbed the six shades #HalalPaint.

Traditional polish is typically a no-go because it creates a barrier on nails that ritual prayer water can’t pass through. Not so with #HalalPaint—created with 100 percent halal ingredients certified by the Islamic Society of the Washington Area, the capsule collection lets everyone deck their nails with breathable color and designs.
With brands working to diversify their shades and making headway on representation, the collaboration couldn’t come at a better time.